Friday, August 28, 2009

Curriculum Paper that was sent home

Locker Time Schedule

Locker Times have been set for the following times:

1st time - before 1st period which means that students pack for 1st, Team Time, lunch, and 2nd Period.
2nd time - after 2nd so pack for 3rd and go home time.

1st time - before 4th period; pack for 4th, Team Time, lunch and 5th period.
2nd time - After 5th; pack for 6th and go home.

Big backpacks really aren't necessary, but if they come to school they must be placed in the locker until 2nd locker time. Then they go to the last class of the day and then home. Students are not to return to their lockers after dismissal. This is per our school policies.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Hello to Students and Parents

Hello and welcome to the 2009-2010 school year at Julia Landon College Preparatory and Leadership Development School. This is our 2nd year as a magnet and my 2nd year at JLCP. I am very excited to be teaching some very nice students in my Advanced Comprehensive Science 1 classes. I have sent home the curriculum letter and the safety contract. You'll see the link in the post below this one to the contract. This is in case it has been misplaced or parents want a copy.

I will be using this blog and Twitter to publish info for students and parents. Keep checking for future info. TTFN
The student safety contract is on scribd. Here's the link.

Students should have 1 copy to submit for my records and 1 copy to tape into their ISN on p. 7.

Each student was provided with 2 copies of the contract at the first class meeting. If a student doesn't have both copies on file by Wednesday, Sept.3.