Friday, October 08, 2010

UPDATE for Students and Parents 10/08/2010

Grades have been updated. Some students have not completed the Assessment Questions for the Plants Gizmo. I will plan for B day classes to have time on Tuesday to make up those questions if you are having problems with the program at home. A day will have time on either Monday or Friday. I apologize for the confusion re. the SEG due date. I am sorry that I caused the confusion. If there are any Student Exploration Guides that have not been turned in please give them to me on Monday. I will be in the gym on duty from 7:20 - 7:40.

SCIENCE PROJECT IDEAS should be almost finalized. I have seen a few questions. Students, just because an investigation is on Science Buddies doesn't mean it is appropriate for you to do. Remember, no food tasting, no surveys, no mold, bacteria, or stuff from outside. If you are trying to replicate someone's previous study make sure it's worth doing. If you don't know anything about the subject how can you ask an intelligent question and develop a good hypothesis and a good design. By reading about the topic you will be able to identify what should be used as your independent variable.

Let's get these projects moving. You need to be experimenting before the end of this month IF/WHEN you have a good question. If you want to get the forms going then just go to and "get 'er done".

Your homework is to get your science topic and prepare your proposal. See you next week.

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