Thursday, January 19, 2012

Information for students who have won a spot to NEFRSEF


You have earned a spot on the JLCP Regional Science Fair Team. You are one of only 15 students who will be allowed to attend NEFRSRF. The dates and details are on You will miss one day of school, the trip is considered a fieldtrip so you will not be marked absent. You will spend the day, February 13, with chaperones from the school at NEFRSEF. Your parents must provide transportation to and from the Shrine Auditorium on St. Johns Bluff Road. Lunch will be provided.

To register your project you will need to obtain a password. Go to and click the Student tab. Click on the word register in the sentence “Students please REGISTER here for your project.” You will get a place to enter your or your parents e-mail address and you pick a password.

Pick a password you can remember. Once you have done that to the User Login button and log in using your e-mail and password. Complete the registration information. Type carefully and proofread. Any typos will be your responsibility. Be sure to read the bottom of the screen so that you SAVE your registration.


Each project needs a complete 1, 1A, Research Plan, 1B, and Form 3. You probably already have most of these all filled out and signed in BLUE. Watch your dates. You must have had approval BEFORE you began experimentation. You must have a bibliography that shows sources you used to find information (not science project sites and not Wikipedia). You must also read and reference the rules. The reference is

Intel International Science and Engineering Fair, (2011). International Rules and Guidelines 2012. Society for Science & the Public. Retrieved from

More Paperwork Your abstract must be typed onto the Florida State Science Fair form. You will need the original and 5 copies all of which you should sign in BLUE. Do not worry about putting a new copy on your board. NEFRSEF will certify one copy (with a stamp) and it will be returned to you when you go set up for the regional on Sunday, February 12.

Go online and fill out the electronic registration. Ask your teacher to look over your paperwork, THEN bring an original abstract with 5 copies all signed in blue and all of your forms including a COMPLETE research plan to Room 319.

You must have the entire packet to me, Mrs. Smith, in Room 319 as soon as possible on MONDAY, January 23. If your paperwork is not complete or is incorrect you will have to stand in a long line on Sunday, February 12. If you can’t answer the SRC so that they can certify your project then you may fail to qualify and may be disqualified. If I don’t turn paperwork in on time then projects will not be accepted. I will not wait for late paperwork. I must have all paperwork from you so that I can turn in all of the entries on time.

You don’t have school on Friday so you can get your paperwork finished then. I will be at school on Friday and you may call me or come to see me between 1 and 2 pm. I will be able to help you then. I am not able to make multiple copies for anyone. Please make all of your own copies. If you need to get in touch with me by e-mail you may send your questions to

Again, congratulations,

Pamela L. Smith, NBCT

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