Wednesday, October 05, 2016

PENDA is due on Monday at 7AM - even though school is cancelled - and more info ;)

Yes, PENDA is due. If you lose power or have to evacuate then do it when you can. If you need more time because of the hurricane just bring me a note from the  'rents and I will catch your grade up with the late report. That gives you a few days grace period.  If you are at home streaming videos or playing games and the power is on and the weather is great - just do the PENDA!

Due to some confusion about due date/time for the PENDA due 9/19 I will use the late report to catch up some of your grades. Since the time was announced on the board after the 9/19 due date then all PENDA is due on time. Remember, late work is not accepted in 8th grade.

I don't know if the moon observing activity will occur at FSCJ and you will have to follow up on that on your own. Remember, it's an option not a requirement so no big deal if you don't or can't attend.

Yes, there will be a Science Project Log (journal) check next week. Make sure you have

  • numbered your pages,
  • left p. 1 for the title page,
  • made pp. 2-4 Table of Contents pages
  • written about what you have done, read, or thought about for your project. 
  • written each entry in pen
  • dated each entry.

Go ahead and work on your day 2 planet cards. Since you won't have all the info at your desk you may research at

Complete Part 1 and Part 2 of the written work if you have spare time. It will all be counted as classwork and yes there will be time in class to go over it with your group, but if you have time while we wait out the storm there's no reason not to move along.

Stay safe and dry - see you next week in class.

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