Friday, April 17, 2009

Update on Aquifer Project, GIZMOS, and Progress Reports

Aquifer Project

Everyone who has attended class this week has enough info to finish the project. Many thanks to the students who assisted in catching up the students who were absent or on the fieldtrip. That's real leadership!!
If you were absent/out of school the entire week you should read the experiment on p. 391.You will have to see me in class on TUESDAY to schedule a time to make up the lab. No one will do any experimentation on Monday.
The task sheet and rubric for the poster are viewable at

Monday's assignment will be to work on this poster. However, you may work on it at home. The poster is due on Tuesday as you walk into class. This way I can quickly grade them and get them onto your progess report. Evaluation will be part of the assignment for Tuesday.

Several Gizmos were assigned last month. Two of them, Bird Beaks and Rainfall and Water Cycle are due on Monday, 04/20/09. I will pick up the grades electronically and they will be on your progess report.

These will be issued in classes on Wednesday. Parents please watch for them so that you can sign and return them ASAP. Many thanks.

Bonus Opportunities
Two bonus opportunities are available. If you can't make one or you don't do well on one then there should be at least one more opportunity before the end of school.
  1. Earth Day Celebration at the Jacksonville Landing. Saturday, April 18, 2009 from 10 - 4.
  2. Gizmo: Measuring Trees - This one can not be reset. You get up to 10 points to be added to your total number of points earned.