Friday, December 14, 2012

Science Projects and Science Fair

Science Projects should be finished by now. I will extend on time submissions until Jan. 10. To be considered on time, your BACKBOARD must be in my room by Jan. 10.  If  you wait until Jan 10 to bring it in then you will be assigned a date to present. You will need your SPDL on the day you present.

The school science fair is set for Team Time on January 15. Invitations will be extended to students. I have only 8 invitations to extend, so the competition will be strong.

Although students will be presenting science projects during the 2nd nine weeks, the grades will be found in the assessment section of the 3rd nine weeks.  This will provide a safety net for anyone who scores presents a less than satisfactory project.  If that occurs, the student will have 3 weeks to prepare and present a new project.  In order to avoid that problem I spent quite a bit of class time in the first nine weeks working with students on their plans and allowing them to submit and re-submit. I have spent time this grading period working with students on plans, forms, and data analysis.  The only students that have not received this help are those that brought their paperwork to me on either December 13 or 14. Since each of these students was in my team time class where we spent time on writing hypotheses and determining if they should be accepted or rejected based on data along with other topics the students should have asked for help then.  As I announced at Open House, I am available after school by appointment and I do duty in the auditorium with 8th grade students every Thursday from 7:25-7:45 and was available for consultation at that time.   I even went to Sports study hall, Team Up and Community Ed and pulled students to give them help. HOWEVER, some students did not choose to take the opportunities offered.  To avoid problems that a poorly executed project may incur, it is up to the sponsor/parent to make sure that the project you are signing for is
  • an experiment,
  • follows the rules,
  • is safe,
  • and provides for an adequate sample size. There must be multiple trials or multiple samples for the independent variable.  One can't do an adequate data analysis with just 2 samples or even less than 5 for expensive procedures.  A sample size of at least 10 is usually the minimum for a science project.

Information About Current, Late, and Future Assignments

Tying up some loose ends...
All students should have completed the 7 vocabulary cards assigned last week. The words are on p. 117 of your  FUSION book.
You should have read all of lesson 3-2 (that's unit 3 lesson 2).  Review by using the on-line materials, especially the on-line lesson for 3-2.  Complete all the questions on p. 129. Anything that has not been graded is due the day you return.
 The following is the list of assignments that I will grade after the holidays. I will not accept any other assignments (except those of you with previous arrangements due to extended absences).

Late Assignments

Vocabulary cards for 3-1 and 3-2
Cluster diagram for 3-1
pp. 118 - 119, # 5, 6, and 7

Current Assignment

p. 129

Future Assignments

If you want to get ahead on some assignments or just better prepared for class, the following will be assigned after the holiday, but you may get started now.
  • Read 3-3. Use the on-line lesson to go deeper.
  • Vocabulary for 3-3. There are 4 words on p. 131. Make connections to the book or the online lesson. Connections go in the center of the card.
  • Unit 3 Online Quiz- print out your certificate.
  • FCAT EXPLORER for grades 3-5. The score you earn will be an assessment grade for the 2nd nine week grading period. This is an excellent way to add a great grade to your assessment grades. The due date for the ELEMENTARY FCAT Explorer for science is January 14 (A) and January 15(B).  You can do it all after the holidays, but I would get started ASAP.  
  • FCAT EXPLORER for grades 6-8 for science will be due in the 3rd nine weeks.  It will also be an assessment grade.

Judges needed for school science fair

Parents who have a strong background in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering , and Math) and who would be interested in judging at the school science fair are invited to contact me at The judging committment will be from 11-12:30 on Jan 15. The science department  and I appreciate your assistance.

Friday, November 30, 2012

Assignments due for 12/3 and 12/4

The following assignments are due

pp. 112 and 113 All. Must be completed before other assignments are checked.

Vocabulary for 3-1.  That's unit 3, lesson 1.
Cluster diagram for Models of the Solar System.  If lyou don't remember how to do it (it was on the board) then you may make a main idea web for the Models of the Solar System focusing on geocentric and heliocentric.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Some assignments you might want to get ahead on...

Class went on today even though there was a fieldtrip. Here is a list of the assignments that were made. Yes, there will be some time in class next week, but due to benchmark testing classes will be shorter. Due dates will be A day 11/29 and B day 11/30.

  1. Pre-test for Unit 2: Go to Pearson and take the LSA 2 Baseline test.
  2. Go to on-line textbook and view the electronic lesson 3-1.
  3. Either read the book or read the section on-line or have the book read for you for 3-1.
  4. 3-1 Complete pages 112-113 all in writing.
  5. Vocabulary cards: Solar System, heliocentric, geocentric, parallax
If you haven't taken the survey in class you will be taking that upon your return from the holiday.

If I haven't checked your SPDL yet, bring that on Thursday for A day or Friday for B day. I need to check your progress. 

Monday, November 19, 2012

Some Holiday Gift Suggestions for Parents for Their Child


This post is for your information for your own child's success.  As the holidays approach, your child will probably need a few more school supplies. Please make sure that they have pencils and pens, color pencils, a hand held sharpener that catches all of the crumbs, an eraser, a ruler, clear tape, a glue stick and index cards  for their use in school along with their composition book for class and possibly a folder with prongs.  They will also need a composition book and backboard for their science project along with computer access and art supplies. If you don't have a stapler at home, please buy one for your child. Amazingly, many children tell me they have great game consoles, top quality phones, and name brand clothes, but no stapler.  If your printer is out of ink, broken, or won't print for some reason then your child will either need to make trips to the library or to our very own JLCP computer lab (opens at 7:10 AM most mornings) to print assignments or their science project.

I try to keep some pencils, crayons, scissors, glue, and paper for students who find that they left their materials at home or in their locker. However, I can not keep enough for each child.  There's a school provided electric pencil sharpener for student use, but it's starting to show it's age. It wasn't designed for 20 pencils to be sharpened so it's really noisy and students have to grind and grind on their pencils. If each child had a hand held sharpener then there would be no line and no noise and students would not lose time waiting to use the sharpener. Also, color pencils can only be sharpened in hand held sharpeners because they ruin the electric sharpener.

Please make sure your child has the supplies he or she needs to be successful in all classes.  A few extra pencils that have been sharpened are a great addition to any pencil case. A fully stocked pencil case is invaluable no matter which class a child is in.

Thanks for your help in scaffolding your child's success.

Friday, November 16, 2012

Updating the gradebook

I am in the process of updating my gradebook. Unfortunately, I am quite under the weather and have fallen behind. Grades should be much more current by Tuesday Afternoon. I apologize for the delay.  I will post messages via the grade book about recycling and submitting late work. Please check over the holidays.

I know I will take the on-line certificate from all periods and the tidal activity from periods 4, 5, 6 and 7 next week.
Remember, there's a test on Monday for 2A and 4A. I want to have that posted by Tuesday also.

Have a great weekend

Updating grades

Wednesday, November 07, 2012

New Assignment for B day Part 1


Use your lunar log or go to Interactive Moon Phases
 to identify the moon phases for the previous 2 weeks.

Go to Tide Data
 and choose any East Coast location with a Harmonic tide. Write your selection on the chart paper for your class. Only one person may do any one location.

Organize the tide data and the lunar phase data for each day of for the previous 2 weeks.

Friday, November 02, 2012

Science Project Update and some Dates.

By this time EACH and EVERY student should have submitted step 1 and step 2 for the science project.** You know if it was acceptable (doable, age appropriate, large enough of a sample size ...) if it's stamed RECEIVED and there's a date. You should also have grades for those activities.  If you don't have approval to start this is a perfect opportunity to get steps 1 and 2 finished this weekend. Remember, when preparing your RESEARCH PLAN this is a complete document that is so complete that ANYONE in 8th grade could follow the directions and replicate your study. If it's not complete - revise it.

Once you've started, make sure you are recording EVERYTHING in your SPDL. All of your data and observations should be written in this journal (in ink).  I want to check for progress on experimentation the week of Veterans Day so be prepared to show me your SPDL with data (only for approved projects) on either Tuesday11/13 for A day students or Wednesday 11/13 for B day students.

The date of the school fair has not been announced yet so I am going out on a limb and opening up the dates of 12/7/2012 - 01/03/2013 for the due date window.  I will have sign-up sheets beginning in early December for students to reserve an  opportunity to present their projects. Each student will have 3-5 minutes to present their research to a group of peers and the teacher. I style the presentations like a science fair where small groups of peers rotate through the presenters. Bonus points will be added to any project that is presented on or before 12/14/2012. If I find out that the school fair is in conflict with the classroom presentation dates then I will need to make changes. Be flexible; it's part of middle school.

NO projects will be presented on the date of our trip to the magnet high schools. Late projects will be penalized. Projects that require special review to be approved may be treated differently on an individual basis.

** See October 5, 2012 for complete directions for steps 1 and 2.

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Menu Assignment due dates

UPDATED 11/03/2012

A one class extension was granted to every student for everything except Appetizers. The students who filed a request for an extension for Dessert will still have that extension .  Even though Learning Recovery starts next week, the assignments are still due. I will either call for individual students to come and submit their work or I will go and pick it up during my planning time. Students should be prepared to submit on the day that they should be in class (Monday is B day and Tuesday is A day).

The assignments on the menu are due on Thursday, 11/1 for B day and 11/2 for A Day except the Moon Observation Journal. The LUNAR OBSERVATIONS  are due A day 11/8 and Bday 11/9. Don't forget to draw what you see each day and record the time you did the observation.
If you need an extension for the Dessert (Extend) Column then you may ask for one by following these directions.

Write a note explaining which assignment you are doing,

 Tell when you will submit it (you may have up to two weeks with no penalty),

You sign it and your parents sign it.

Turn it in ONLY on the day that the menu is due.
Only an absence is an acceptable excuse to not turn in your
work or extension request. There are 205 points possible and you will need to earn at least 145 to earn a C on the menu assignments.

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Virtual Lab for Menu

To access the FUSION book online go to the log-in page.

You live in Florida, your distict is Duval 32207, and your school is Landon. Click on the Remember me box so you don't have to do this everytime.

Log in and go to your Library.  Choose the Big BLUE button  and go to ScienceFusion Student Access English Grade 8 .

Expand the Table of Contents for Unit 4. Choose the Virtual Lab for Unit 4 Lesson 2.

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Grades have been updated and some important info about alternative opportunities

(remember, if you don't turn it in, I can't grade it)
If you received a  grade of 9 or less on your vocabulary cards  you may take the vocabulary quiz to try to raise that grade. A day will take it this THURSDAY, October 18 and B day will take it on FRIDAY, October 19. You will get the grade you earn on the quiz and it will replace the grade you earned previously. However, the highest grade you may earn on the quiz is 10 points. The original assignment was for 12 points so you may not earn full credit for this assignment through the quiz since the assignment took a higher level of thought. See the grade portal for details.

An alternative form of the Quiz/Exit Slip for Learning Targets 1, 2, and 3 will be given in class this week. Anyone may take the alternative assessment. The new grade will be substituted for your previous grade. A day will take it on Thursday, October 18 and B day will take it on October 19 which is Friday. See the grade portal to determine if you will take the test again.

While re-tests are being given I will attempt to meet with anyone who has questions on their science project assignments. Very few students have been approved to begin so far. If you are one of the few well prepared who completed the forms correctly and completed a complete RESEARCH PLAN and you received the all important Received stamp then please start your experimentation so that you can finish before the winter break. Only one student is at the mercy of the IRB and working towards getting their approval so EVERYONE else should have Forms 1, 1A, 1B, 3, and a COMPLETE Research Plan in to me ASAP to complete step 2. If you don't have 2 points in step 1 you must complete that also. That's 5 sources in bibliographic format (You can even go to which you were possibly taught in 6th grade science and 7th grade geography, and even 8th grade research) and notes to go with the sources. You will also need a what if question that is worthy of an 8th grade student.
REMEMBER, you may pose a question and use a GIZMO to do the experiment. A good one is Growing Plants. You can manipulate the plant type, the amount of light, the water, and the soil/fertilizer.

Other info
  • PSAT on Wednesday (Mrs. Kelly can tell you if you can still pay)
  • Early Release on Wednesday
  • Picture day on Friday. Did you get a pre-order form? Read it for ordering details.
  • The grading period ends next week. I am offering 2 opportunities to raise your grade. You have to choose if you take them.
  • Remember you must have completed 75% of your work to qualify for learning recovery if you earn a D or F --this is the district policy.
  • The End of Course Exam or EOC in science will be worth 20% of your final grade.

Friday, October 05, 2012


There have been some computer difficulties that have prevented me from entering grades and a general shortage of time. I was not able to enter grades this afternoon, but I will attempt to do them on Sunday. (There is a planned outage tomorrow of many district services). Please be patient. I will update as soon as I am able. I do have family committments this weekend that must be kept.

Catching up # 3: GIZMO and a quiz

The GIZMO H-R Diagram has been assigned.  This was started in class and will need to be completed independently. The student exploration guide was given to all students present in class. Anyone who was absent may print their own in order to get started on the assignment. The STUDENT EXPLORATION GUIDE and  the ASSESSMENT QUESTIONS are expected to be completed. The SEG is completed before the questions. The SEG part is worth 15 points and the AQ part is worth 5 points for a total of 20 points for the ACTIVITY section of the grade. There are no do overs for the AQ since it is a part of the entire grade and not an individual grade. This works to the student's advantage.

The GIZMO is due as students enter class
A Day --> Monday, October 8
B Day --> Tuesday, October 9.

There will be a quiz over the lesson benchmarks on
A Day --> Monday, October 8

B Day --> Tuesday, October 9.
a cumulative quiz over all of the earning targets for the year on
A Day--> Wednesday, October 10
B Day--> Thursday, October 11






Catching up # 2: Class assignment - Star Chart Project

All classes have had multiple opportunities to complete and present their star projects. This was intended to be a group project.  Where groups were not successful, individuals had the opportunity to complete their own graph, answer all of the questions, and supply a conclusion.  Students who have shown evidence of accomplishing the task have been graded for what has been submitted. At this point the only part of the project that may be submitted for any credit is the personal star graph. That will earn the student the grade for the graph only. The parameters of the assignment were explained in class and posted.

Catching up with posting assignments: Science Projects

Science Projects
At this time every class has had several opportunities to turn in their preliminary science project research. This is
  • a TOPIC,
  • 5 major sources in bibliographic format,
  • Notes from each source, and
  • a "What if" question.
Students who show progress receive 1 out of 2 points which is raised to 2 out of 2 points when the complete assignment is submitted.

When students receive a 2/2 they then begin their proposal. This includes a completed
  • FORM 1,
  • FORM 1A,
  • FORM 1B,
  • a RESEARCH PLAN, and
  • FORM 3.
  • any special forms applicable to the topic.
All forms are available at (3)

Completed means just that. Parents, you are the sponsor unless someone else is  watching and supervising your child do the experiment. Please DO NOT sign blank forms or any forms until you know EXACTLY what your own child is doing. Their safety is your responsibility. I am NOT the sponsor. I just read what you are allowing them to do. A lot of my time is taken up telling students the same thing over and over again. It will help for you to go to this link  (1) and read the rules so that your child's success will be almost automatic in prepping the project.  All classes have had at least one experience in designing an EXPERIMENT this year so they do know how to do one.  Remember, NEFRSEF (2) is a resource that has some basic information.


Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Assignment: Unit 2 Lesson 1

Parts of this have been assigned and checked, however yyou must hav the entire lesson completed by the due date: A day = Friday, 9/14; Bday = Monday, 9/17.

Unit 2 Lesson 1 pp72-81 # 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14-18, and Lesson Review p. 81 1 - 10.

Anyone who was out on Monday or Tuesday will need to make up the NOS Quick Quiz during class or Team Time.

Thursday, August 23, 2012


The following assingment was made on A day 2 and B day 2 (August 22/23). Please be prepared in class.

Insert Handout into front cover of ISN. Go to the website and read about How Science Works.

Don't be afraid to explore the website and the graphics. There's an interactive section with the graphic in the upper right hand corner of the web page.

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Science Safety Contract

You must have this contract signed to begin the investigation on Day 2 of Class.


A brand new year- a new room- a new curriculum - new excitement and expectations

Hello to EVERYONE!

I am so excited to be teaching 8th grade this year.

First let me tell all of my students that I look forward to seeing you in class and having the opportunity to share some exciting science with you. This is the year that I want you to learn from and with me. I will be calling upon your expertise in technology to try to do the best job as a teacher of the 21st century.  Each and every one of you makes observations of our macro society and our micro society and as you bring your experiences into class you are adding to all of our knowledge. Some of you are world travelers and have significant observations to share with all of us as we connect our learning to our world community. We will be working as a community of learners to learn from and with each other. This means that I won't be the sage on the stage all of the time - I will be the guide on the side so that you chart your course for the educational journey we will embark upon this week. There are a lot of changes for you to prepare for this year. No, science projects are not one of the changes- you will do one so start thinking of an excellent question to ask yourself. Back to changes: Science FCAT is a reality. You will take it.  You will also take a Science EOC along with all other subject area EOCs.  There have been district changes to the grade recovery policy- when it's time to discuss that you will want to listen carefully.  Hopefully, you will never need grade recovery in my class.  The best way to avoid it is to do your assignments, learn the material, and demonstrate your learning through assessments. Come prepared with your basic supplies the first day. You will be starting your Interactive Science Notebook on day 1.  You'll need a composition book for that. On Day 2 I expect you to do a lab, so you will need your safety contracts (2 copies) signed and you will need to wear appropriate shoes and clothes.

Secondly, if you only had me for Team Time in 6th then I am very excited to have you in class.  I will get to know you academically. If you had Mrs. H. in 6th then you had some very similar experiences in science and learned the same concepts. We just teach a little differently.  You'll see.

In conclusion, I am thrilled to have this amazing opportunity to reconnect with some former students and to be amazed at how you've grown: educationally, experientially, and physically. No, I haven't shrunk... a lot of you have grown.

This will be a growth year for everyone.  I anticipate we will all have growing pains. Students, if you feel that you aren't achieving to the level you expect, or you need some extra help, or you just don't understand something but you don't want to talk to me in front of all of your classmates why not either write me a note or send me an e-mail. Since you are in eighth grade you are responsible for taking care of you. I won't know what you need if you tell everyone except me. If I don't know your needs, how can I help YOU? That's what I'm here for to help YOU to grow educationally. So, I have homework to get ready for Monday. Enjoy your last day or two of no science homework, because it starts on Day 1.

Friday, May 25, 2012

Either a bonus opportunity or an alternative to the Roller Coaster Gizmo

As an alternative assignment for the Roller Coaster Gizmo you may go to this site and make a roller coaster that is better than my roller coaster.

Here are the results for the  Mysterious Teal Squid whose newspaper headline is "Coaster a snooze fest".

Track Difficulty - Medium
Track Score - 825
Stop Distance - 32m
Coaster Score - 237

Final Score 1062

If you want to earn some bonus points in Technology then do both the Gizmo and build a roller coaster that beats my score. You will be awarded bonus points on your Roller Coaster Gizmo.

Are you missing a GIZMO?  This is a great way to raise your Technology Grade - just do both the Roller Coaster Gizmo and then build a roller coaster that beats mine.

Here's how to prove your success: PRINT out the results for your Roller Coaster and bring it to class on the day the Gizmo is due.

A few words of advice: Do the tutorial.
If at first you don't succeed, listen to what the guide says and follow the suggestions changing one factor (variable) at a time to improve the performance of the roller coaster.


Everyone has been assigned the Roller Coaster Gizmo.  Please complete the SEG and the AQ and turn them in either A Day on Thursday, 5/31. or B Day on Friday, 6/1. The info will help you with your roller coaster project that we will be doing in class next week.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012


It's time to make a roller coaster. You may work in a group of 1, 2, 3, or 4 people.  Each group will need a piece of foam pipe insulation. You can get it at a big box hardware store or a local hardware store. The example piece in class is the 3/4in. size. It's 6 feet long. You slice it into 2 long strips and tape them together to make a long track.  (Try to do your slicing at home with adult supervision.)

Supplies needed for next week

pipe insulation
masking tape

4 function calculator
writing implement (pencil or pen)
straight edge (ruler)

Friday, May 18, 2012

Questions for the study guide you are making for the EOC

Here are some suggestions for questions for a study guide. You should write a question for each benchmark and then work to answer it. You will have to apply the concepts during the test.

Why should you be able to replicate a scientist’s work?

What are the different types of investigations and how do they differ from each other?

Can you explain why groups get different results?

Why do scientists need to ask questions like “what if? Or what will happen if I do this?

What is science?

Why is scientific knowledge durable?

Who does science?

List several scientific laws.

How is the Sun’s energy transferred to Earth?

What are examples of the different types of energy transfers?

What are the different spheres and how do they interact?

How does the cycling of water through the atmosphere and hydrosphere affect weather and climate?

What are global winds and global ocean currents?

How do they influence local weather in measurable terms such as temperature, air pressure, wind direction and speed, humidity and precipitation?
How does energy provided by the sun influences global patterns of atmospheric movement and the temperature differences between air, water, and land?

Why do we use models in science?

What’s the difference between weather and climate?

Review weather conditions and weather maps.

How do sinkholes form?

How do sinkholes, hurricanes, and other natural disasters affect human life in Florida?

Benchmarks for EOC

As you know, the EOC is next week. Last month you were assigned Science Compass Odyssey to help you begin your review. You should review the following benchmarks.  Go through your ISN, Green book and Red book to review also. Posing questions and answering them to help you review is a good strategy. I will post some questions in the next entry.

SC.6.N.1.2 Explain why scientific investigations should be replicable. High (EOC)

SC.6.N.1.3 Explain the difference between an experiment and other types of scientific investigation, and explain the relative benefits and limitations of each. High (EOC)

SC.6.N.1.4 Discuss, compare, and negotiate methods used, results obtained, and explanations among groups of students conducting the same investigation. High (EOC)

SC.6.N.1.5 Recognize that science involves creativity, not just in designing experiments, but also in creating explanations that fit evidence. Moderate (EOC)

SC.6.N.2.1 Distinguish science from other activities involving thought. Moderate (EOC)

SC.6.N.2.2 Explain that scientific knowledge is durable because it is open to change as

new evidence or interpretations are encountered Moderate (EOC)

SC.6.N.2.3 Recognize that scientists who make contributions to scientific knowledge come from all kinds of backgrounds and possess varied talents, interests, and goals. Low (EOC)

SC.6.N.3.1 Recognize and explain that a scientific theory is a well-supported and widely accepted explanation of nature and is not simply a claim posed by an individual. Thus, the use of the term theory in science is very different than how it is used in everyday life. Moderate (EOC)

SC.6.N.3.2 Recognize and explain that a scientific law is a description of a specific relationship under given conditions in the natural world. Thus, scientific laws are different from societal laws. Moderate (EOC)

SC.6.N.3.3 Give several examples of scientific laws. Low (EOC)

SC.6.E.7.1 Differentiate among radiation, conduction, and convection, the three mechanisms by which heat is transferred through Earth's system. Moderate (EOC)

SC.6.E.7.4 Differentiate and show interactions among the geosphere, hydrosphere, cryosphere, atmosphere, and biosphere. High (EOC)

SC.6.E.7.2 Investigate and apply how the cycling of water between the atmosphere and hydrosphere has an effect on weather patterns and climate. High (EOC)

SC.6.N.3.4 Identify the role of models in the context of the sixth grade science benchmarks. Moderate (EOC)

SC.912.P.10.4 Describe heats as the energy transferred by convection, conduction, and radiation, and explain the connection of heat to change in temperature of states of matter. High (EOC)

SC.912.E.7.3 Differentiate and describe the various interactions among Earth systems, including: atmosphere, hydrosphere, cryosphere, geosphere, and biosphere. High (EOC)

SC.6.E.7.3 Describe how global patterns such as the jet stream and ocean currents influence local weather in measurable terms such as temperature, air pressure, wind direction and speed, humidity and precipitation. High (EOC)

SC.6.E.7.5 Explain how energy provided by the sun influences global patterns of atmospheric movement and the temperature differences between air, water, and land. High (EOC)

SC.6.E.7.6 Differentiate between weather and climate. Moderate (EOC)

SC.912.E.7.5 Predict future weather conditions based on present observations and conceptual models and recognize limitations and uncertainties of such predictions. High (EOC)

SC.6.E.7.7 Investigate how natural disasters have affected human life in Florida. High (EOC)

SC.6.E.7.9 Describe how the structure of the atmosphere protects life and insulates the planet. Moderate (EOC)

SC.6.E.7.8 Describe ways human beings protect themselves from hazardous weather and sun exposure. Moderate (EOC)

HE.6.C.1.3 Identify environmental factors that effect personal health.

SC.912.E.7.6 Relate the formation of severe weather to the various physical factors. Moderate (EOC)

SC.6.E.6.1 Describe and give examples of ways in which Earth’s surface is built up and torn down by physical and chemical weathering, erosion, and deposition. Moderate (EOC)

SC.6.E.6.2 Recognize that there are a variety of different landforms on Earth’s surface such as coastlines, dunes, rivers, mountains, glaciers, deltas, and lakes and relate these landforms as they apply to Florida. Moderate (EOC)

SC.6.L.14.1 Describe and identify patterns in the hierarchical organization of organisms from atoms to molecules and cells to tissues to organs to organ systems to organisms. Low (EOC)

SC.6.L.14.2 Investigate and explain the components of the scientific theory of cells (cell theory): all organisms are composed of cells (single-celled or multi-cellular), all cells come from pre-existing cells, and cells are the basic unit of life. Moderate (EOC)

SC.6.L.14.3 Recognize and explore how cells of all organisms undergo similar processes to maintain homeostasis, including extracting energy from food, getting rid of waste, and reproducing. Moderate (EOC)

SC. 6.L.14.4 Compare and contrast the structure and function of major organelles of plant and animal cells, including cell wall, cell membrane, nucleus, cytoplasm, chloroplast, mitochondria, and vacuoles. Moderate (EOC)

SC.912.L.14.2 Relate structure to function for the components of plant and animal cells. Explain the role of cell membranes as a highly selective barrier (passive and active transport). Moderate (EOC)

SC.912.L.14.3 Compare and contrast the general structures of plant and animal cells. Compare and contrast the general structures of prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells Moderate (EOC)

SC.912.L.16.14 Describe the cell cycle, including the process of mitosis. Explain the role of mitosis in the formation of new cells and its importance in maintaining chromosome number during asexual reproduction. Moderate

SC.6.L.14.5 Identify and investigate the general functions of the major systems of the human body (digestive, respiratory, circulatory, reproductive, excretory, immune, nervous, and musculoskeletal) and describe ways these systems interact with each other to maintain homeostasis. High (EOC)

SC.6.L.15.1 Analyze and describe how and why organisms are classified according to shared characteristics with emphasis on the Linnaean system combined with the concept of Domains. High (EOC)

SC.912.L.15.6 Discuss distinguishing characteristics of the domains and kingdoms of living organisms. Moderate (EOC)

SC.6.P.12.1 Measure and graph distance versus time for an object moving at a constant speed. Interpret this relationship. Moderate (EOC)

SC.6.P.13.3 Investigate and describe that an unbalanced force acting on an object changes its speed, or direction of motion, or both. Moderate (EOC)

SC.6.P.13.1 Investigate and describe types of forces including contact forces and forces acting at a distance, such as electrical, magnetic, and gravitational. Moderate (EOC)

SC.6.P.13.2 Explore the Law of Gravity by recognizing that every object exerts gravitational force on every other object and that the force depends on how much mass the objects have and how far apart they are. Low (EOC)

SC.6.N.3.3 Give several examples of scientific laws. Low (EOC)

SC.6.P.11.1 Explore the Law of Conservation of Energy by differentiating between potential and kinetic energy. Identify situations where kinetic energy is transformed into potential energy and vice versa. Moderate (EOC)

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

The EOC is next week.

Starting with A day on Wednesday, 5/16, a part of each class will be used to review for the EOC.  You will have an opportunity to ask questions.  To help you review assessments from earlier in the year you are now allowed to go into Limelight and review your previous tests. Please take the opportunity to review them.

You should be almost finished with all of the your SCIENCE Compass Odyssey. If you've been working all along that should also be a good review.

Gizmos are good reviews also.


You should finish the graph assignment before you come to your next class. If you don't have enough data you may use the Sally Sue data below.

Group A Length in cm Time Average Speed in cm/s
1 70 3.75

2 70 2.51

3 70 0.38

4 70 1.37

5 70 2.48



Group B Length Time Average Speed in cm/s

1 26    1.18

2 26 1.13

3 26 0.89

4 26 0.83

5 26 0.59



Group C Length Time Average Speed in cm/s

1 75 1.48

2 75 2.45

3 75 3.14

4 75 0.84

5 75 2.90



Group D Length Time Average Speed in cm/s

1 25 1.18

2 25 0.80

3 25 1.03

4 25 1.47

5 25 0.58



Group E Length Time Average Speed in cm/s

1 65 0.50

2 65 1.05

3 65 1.10

4 65 1.15

5 65 1.05



Monday, May 14, 2012

Domino Derby follow up

After you make your line graph (The directons are reviewed in class: A day on Monday and B day on Tuesday) you will answer some questions. If you want to do them at home then you may. If not, you will finish the questions during your next class.

  •   How does changing the distance between dominoes affect speed? 
  • What patterns do you observe as you look at your data? 
  • Did the data support your hypothesis? Explain your reasoning. Use data to support your response.
OR  If you didn't make a hypothesis as directed thenrespond to the following.
  • Explain why you chose not to follow directions.
  • Explain why your work is below standard due to not following directions.
OR If you were out of school or have to use the SALLY SUE data you must explain why you did not complete your own experimentation.

Thursday, May 03, 2012

Everyone has a test in limelight to complete at home for Unit 5. This is what you could call a take home test. You have 30 questions to answer in 60 minutes. It is only available until it's not. You must complete the test by Tuesday, May 8 at 8AM. (yes, this is a one day extension).

The school district computer system will be DOWN on SATURDAY, MAY 5. You will not be able to access limelight on SATURDAY.  Plan now how to deal with the outage.

Tuesday, April 03, 2012

Enrichment Opportunity

Want to learn more about what makes up everything?
Check this out
Watch Hunting the Elements Promo on PBS. See more from NOVA.

You can watch it at other times also. Check out the schedule at WJCT.

View Additional Airings

04/05/12, 2:00 am WJCT7-1


Comcast 8 & 440

04/05/12, 8:00 am WJCT7-3

WJCT World

Comcast 211

04/05/12, 2:00 pm WJCT7-3

WJCT World

Comcast 211

04/05/12, 7:00 pm WJCT7-3

WJCT World

Comcast 211

04/06/12, 12:00 am WJCT7-3

WJCT World

Comcast 211

04/06/12, 4:00 am WJCT7-1


Comcast 8 & 440

04/08/12, 1:00 am WJCT7-1


Comcast 8 & 440

04/09/12, 8:00 pm WJCT7-4

WJCT More!

Comcast 212
W2I4U (What's in it for you?)  Watch it with your family. List 5 things you learned. Get 5 points Bonus in TECHNOLGY.


I am currently updating grades. There was a problem saving to OnCourse yesterday so I will be working again on them today.  I anticipate that all grades will be updated by Wenesday @ 4 pm.  If you were absent and didn't take the test be sure you take it in class.


Test corrections are an assignment - not a way to raise a test grade.  You should re-learn the material by doing your corrections and then take a re-test.  That is a better way to assess your knowledge and not how well you find answers in a book.

Friday, March 16, 2012

Classification Test and Bonus Opportunity... and the GIZMOS

There will be a test on Classification before the grading period ends. You should review all work that we've done in class and GREEN book: Chapter 14, sections 1 and 2. Remember, you can access all the different extras for the book by going on-line. The information you need was posted on 11/11/11.

Test days:
Bday--Friday, March 30
A day--Monday, April 2

We will review the pretest you took for UNIT 5 (it's on limelight).  If you didn't take the pretest then hop onto Limelight and take it so that you can get data after Spring Break.

Download and complete the Spring Packet from the dcps website. Discuss it with your parents after you complete it. Bring it in for a small bonus in the Technology part of your grade.

GIZMOS: Take time to explore how DISEASES SPREAD. No you don't have to complete the SEG or the AQ, but do look at how diseases spread and how the number of people affects how fast a disease will spread.
I mentioned to you that you might want to get a jump on some GIZMOS (body system and homeostasis). I will officially assign the SEG and the AQ for both after Spring Break. Maybe you will do them over Spring Break?  Good luck!

Tuesday, March 13, 2012


You can order a yearbook only until FRIDAY, 3/16

Here's the link.   code #18689

Friday, March 09, 2012

The Epic Struggle Between Birds and Pigs Moves to Space with a NASA Science Twist

The Epic Struggle Between Birds and Pigs Moves to Space with a NASA Science Twist

Update on assignments for 4B and 6B

Due to testing and Challenger the 4B class and the 6B class have not been assigned the Skills Practice Lab in the Green Book  pp. 444-445.   The test corrections and foldable are due on Tuesday (see post for 3/8).

The test corrections are a learning experience. They will not earn any test points. On Tuesday any student who wants to take another test for Chapter 4 may. The grade earned on this test will replace the previous test grade.

Thursday, March 08, 2012

RE-Test for Unit 4 and assignments

I have assigned a re-test for Unit 4 through limelight. Anyone who takes it will be eligible for the new grade. The new grade will be inserted into the gradebook to take the place of the old grade. Plan to raise your score. If the new score is lower it will be your new grade.

Test corrections
1st and 2nd have had class time to finish these.
3rd will need to finish test corrections at home. Follow the directions:

Write out the question.
Find the correct answer.
Write the correct answer.
Write supporting info for where you find the right answer.
Explain why you got it wrong.

Color code your responses:
Question - yellow,
Correct answer - green
Support for correct answer - blue
Explanation of why you got the answer wrong - red

Retest deadline for 1A, 2A, and 3A = Monday
for 4B and 6B = Tuesday.

Foldable and notes for 14-2: 1A, 2A, and 3A due Monday and 4B and 6B due Tuesday.

Shape Island: in ISN except for Draw Conclusion # 3. The new critter must be either 2D or 3D and must be able to be turned in as you enter the next class period. Only 1A, 2A, 4B, and 6B. See pp.444-445 in the green book for more info.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Information for students who have won a spot to NEFRSEF


You have earned a spot on the JLCP Regional Science Fair Team. You are one of only 15 students who will be allowed to attend NEFRSRF. The dates and details are on You will miss one day of school, the trip is considered a fieldtrip so you will not be marked absent. You will spend the day, February 13, with chaperones from the school at NEFRSEF. Your parents must provide transportation to and from the Shrine Auditorium on St. Johns Bluff Road. Lunch will be provided.

To register your project you will need to obtain a password. Go to and click the Student tab. Click on the word register in the sentence “Students please REGISTER here for your project.” You will get a place to enter your or your parents e-mail address and you pick a password.

Pick a password you can remember. Once you have done that to the User Login button and log in using your e-mail and password. Complete the registration information. Type carefully and proofread. Any typos will be your responsibility. Be sure to read the bottom of the screen so that you SAVE your registration.


Each project needs a complete 1, 1A, Research Plan, 1B, and Form 3. You probably already have most of these all filled out and signed in BLUE. Watch your dates. You must have had approval BEFORE you began experimentation. You must have a bibliography that shows sources you used to find information (not science project sites and not Wikipedia). You must also read and reference the rules. The reference is

Intel International Science and Engineering Fair, (2011). International Rules and Guidelines 2012. Society for Science & the Public. Retrieved from

More Paperwork Your abstract must be typed onto the Florida State Science Fair form. You will need the original and 5 copies all of which you should sign in BLUE. Do not worry about putting a new copy on your board. NEFRSEF will certify one copy (with a stamp) and it will be returned to you when you go set up for the regional on Sunday, February 12.

Go online and fill out the electronic registration. Ask your teacher to look over your paperwork, THEN bring an original abstract with 5 copies all signed in blue and all of your forms including a COMPLETE research plan to Room 319.

You must have the entire packet to me, Mrs. Smith, in Room 319 as soon as possible on MONDAY, January 23. If your paperwork is not complete or is incorrect you will have to stand in a long line on Sunday, February 12. If you can’t answer the SRC so that they can certify your project then you may fail to qualify and may be disqualified. If I don’t turn paperwork in on time then projects will not be accepted. I will not wait for late paperwork. I must have all paperwork from you so that I can turn in all of the entries on time.

You don’t have school on Friday so you can get your paperwork finished then. I will be at school on Friday and you may call me or come to see me between 1 and 2 pm. I will be able to help you then. I am not able to make multiple copies for anyone. Please make all of your own copies. If you need to get in touch with me by e-mail you may send your questions to

Again, congratulations,

Pamela L. Smith, NBCT

Sunday, January 15, 2012

TED Talks

TED Talks are a chance to explore new topics and a way to share "ideas worth spreading".

If you get a chance watch

 It's an example of why you keep doing science research even if your 6th grade project didn't work out the way you expected - or even if it did.

Why do we use models in science? Check out

Want to see inside of a cell (way above the level we study)? View this TED Talk.

Friday, January 13, 2012

GIZMO Update

Please finish your AQs on time. Several of you scored less than 100% so I have reset your score. You may take it over. I will not be taking paper scores  this time because we are almost to the end of the nine week grading period and I have only a limited amount of time to get my grades posted. So, read the questions carefully. Ask your parents to listen to your answers. Explain why you are choosing each answer. Listen to yourself and thing each question through.  Good luck.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012


The date and time of the JLCP Science Fair has been set for Wednesday, January 18th during the school day. I have placed an invitation in my grade book for all of the students chosen to participate. I will post the names near my door tomorrow after 4th period. Congratulations to the students who were chosen.

PARENTS, I know that many of you are very busy every day, but if you are a scientist, mathematician, engineer, science enthusiast, teacher with spare time, advanced math or science student, or know someone who is PLEASE consider helping us judge the JLCP Science Fair. We are trying something new. We are holding it during the school day during Team Time. We will begin judging at 11:00 AM and we should be finished by 12:30. If you are available or interested please send me an e-mail at and let me know what your background is or which areas of science you will feel most comfortable judging. No, you won't have to judge your child's category. No your child does not have to be participating for you to be a judge. Yes we will "train" you in our judging criteria.
Thank you for supporting JLCP and Science.

A BONUS Opportunity!!! (these don't happen very often)

If you want to replace an x in ASSESSMENTS for Deposition, Erosion, or Weathering with a * or add one point to both of your science project grades (whichever is better for you) then have lead your family through an exploration  of salt while using a pinhole magnifier. You must summarize the activity and have a parent sign your summary (This can be just a paragraph or two). Turn it in on time.

Due date

A day = Wednesday, 01/18
B day = Thursday, 01/19

I don't often give bonus opportunities, so take advantage of this. You have either learned how to make one in class or you will learn tomorrow.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Reading Assignment

Use the on-line RED book (directions, log-in, and password on blog for 11/11/11). Read pp.76-78. Take notes either using your choice of an outline, a concept map, 2 column notes, or a foldable.

Due dates

A-day = Wednesday, 01/11
B day = Thursday, 01/12

Monday, January 09, 2012

GIZMO due dates

A day: SEG due in class complete as you walk in on FRIDAY, 01/13.
A day Assessment questions due on Wednesday, 1/18

B day: SEG due on Tuesday, 1/17. It must be complete as you walk in.
B day Assessment questions due on Thursday1/19.

Remember, Monday 01/16 is Martin Luther King Jr. Day and the library will be closed.

Friday, January 06, 2012

NEW GIZMO assigned.

I have asigned a new GIZMO for everyone. Now, it may seem very difficult and it may be since none of this has really been taught yet in class. What's really important is for you to print out a copy of the student exploration guide for yourself. (You know if I print it will be microsized.) It's only 3 pages, but you will want full size pages when it comes to the cell picture.

No, there's no due date yet. However, the week of the 16th looks like a good target. I will post the due date next week. The content in this GIZMO is super important so it's imperative that you learn the info not just throw answers on the paper.

Have a good weekend.