Sunday, January 24, 2010


All science fair winners should be prepaing their REGISTRATION Packet for NEFRSEF.

You can find directions at

This link should work. If it doesn't then let me know.


The science fair at JLCP was great. Thirteen students from Team Brilliant competed. Eight placed as winners. Congrats to all of them. The complete winners list should be posted on JLCP website soon. Remember, your project was the most important part of the process. That's where the real science process learning took place. The fair is just icing on the cake.

Friday, January 15, 2010

SCIENCE FAIR Participants

It has been very difficult to pick just a few good projects from all of the projects submitted this year. However, I finished the process and notified the participants.Each was given a notice to take home.
The following students have earned the opportunity to participate in the 2nd Annual JLCP Science Fair.
Matthew M.
Ben P.
Ben L.
Sophia R.
Regan F.
Scout K.
Jenna L.
Lucas W.
Megan F.
Jesse E.
Julia S.
Hazel O.
Jacob B was also selected, but he will not be able to participate.
Congratulations to all of our talented BRILLIANT students.

Parents, please look for the notice, fill in the bottom, and have your child return it to me on Tuesday.
See below if the notice took flight between 3rd period and getting home;)

 Please plan to stay after school on TUESDAY, January 19. Judging will begin at 2:15. Plan for a parent to pick you up at about 3:30. No visitors will be allowed to view the fair during the judging.

 You will need your backboard, forms, research paper, and Science Project Data Log for judging. Remember, I have your backboard and research paper. You may want to dress in neat school clothes for the judging.
 Be ready to explain your project to the judges. Prepare a response to the following questions or prompts.

  •  Tell me about your project.
  •  Why did you want to do this project?
  • What did you expect to find?
  •  What do the data indicate?
  • Are your findings significant? (make sure you can explain why or why not)
  •  What are the applications to real life for this project?
  • If you did this project again what would you do to improve it?
 If you have any questions you may e-mail me over the weekend. Parents should fill out the bottom slip and return it to me on Tuesday.



My child _____________________________________ will/will not participate in the JLCP Science Fair.

 Transportation at 3:30 will be _________________________________
Parent(s) Signature(s) _______________________________________________________


Date _____________________________________



The assignments that you have been working on during Challenger and Science Project Presentations and in your "spare" time are ALL due in class next week. I will check B day assignments on Tuesday and A day assignments on Wednesday. I will pick up the GIZMO Assessment Question grades electronically on Thursday morning so have them finished by WEDNESDAY. If you have to give me a printed copy of your questions get it to me ASAP. There will be no time for "do-overs" for this GIZMO. If you don't do well - do it again  and print out the results. Don't waste time with scores of 1, 2, or 3 correct. Those are NOT PASSING grades. Turn in only scores of 4 or 5. Yes, go back and find out what you got wrong and why.

Here's what's due (in case you want to work on it over the long weekend.
1.  13 very special words must be defined using the article available in class.
2.  A quiz on the terms
3. Models of both animal and plant cells. They may be 2D or 3D. All structures must have labels. The models must be at least one half of a sheet of paper each.
4.  Plate Drawings using the microviewers. Only available in class.
5.  Gizmo: Students Exploration Guide for CELLS.
6. Gizmo: Assessment Questions for CELLS.
7. Notes for Chapter 13, Sections 1, 2, and 3.

Monday, January 11, 2010

January 11, 2010: News and Notes about Science Projects and Fair

Presentations of science projects in class for all classes. I will then select the possible participants for the JLCP Science Fair. The fair will be held on Tuesday, January 19 from 2:15 until about 3:30. If you are asked to participate in the school fair I hope you will. No more than 12 students may represent our team this year.

We will need judges for the JLCP Science Fair. Anyone who has a science or engineering background and is experienced in working with "the Scientific Method" is welcome. If an older sibling (high school or older) has experienced the science project process they are welcome to join us also. If you can help us from 2-3:30 please e-mail me and let me know. The more judges that we have, the richer the experience for your child. You may participate even if your child is not chosen to attend the fair this year.