Thursday, September 25, 2014

When you submit your Research Proposal for your Science Project

There are three layers to reviewing science project proposals. Here is the form we will use.  Please check over it and use it as a guide to complete all parts of the proposal.

Review of Science Project Proposal

Review # 2
Review # 3
Checklist for Adult Sponsor
[  ] Signed and dated prior to experimentation and accompanies a completed Research Proposal Packet
[  ] Signed and dated, but Research Proposal Packet is not complete
Student Checklist
[  ] Completed correctly
[   ] Missing or incorrectly completed sections.  Please complete and/or correct.
Research Plan
a. Rationale
[   ] Rationale for project includes a synopsis of the background that supports the research problem and explains why this research is important scientifically and if applicable, explains societal impact of your research (This is the WHY are you doing this project question).
[   ] Rationale is incomplete and needs to be improved.
Research Plan
b. Hypothesis(es), Research Question, or
Engineering Goals and Expected Outcomes
[   ] Appear to be related to Rationale
[   ] Appear to have no relation to Rationale
Research Plan
Research Method and Conclusions
[   ] Procedures are clear, detailed, complete, and replicable.
[   ] Data collection is explained.
[   ] Any potential risk has been identified and precautions to mitigate the risk have been identified
[  ] Data Analysis procedures are clear.
Research Plan
[  ] Minimum of 5 major references are included. (Notes from these sources should be kept in the SPL.)
1 B
Approval Form
[  ] signed and dated by student BEFORE experimentation begins.
[  ] Signed by Parent/guardian BEFORE experimentation


Here are the forms you need for your science project and the link to get them.

You can access the forms at

Go to the website and click on the Rules and Forms Tab. Use the ISEF Wizard to help you if you are not sure if you need special forms.

EVERYONE needs to complete Forms 1, 1A, Research Plan, 1B, and 3.  You should complete the forms, save them if possible, and print them.

Remember, when someone signs as a parent and sponsor they are stating that they have read the complete proposal. Don't give it to your parents if it is not complete.

Parents, don't sign a project proposal that is not complete. Thank you.

Due dates
A day due Tuesday, 9/30.
B day due Monday, 9/29.

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Keeping in the Loop 09/23/2014 and Science Project Update

We are debriefing the two labs, grading them and 2 other assignments, and starting a foldable for the properties of matter.
Everyone has a GIZMO due. A day is due on Wednesday, 09/24. That's tomorrow. Don't forget the Assessment Questions. B day is due on Thursday, 9/25.

Everyone should check out this quick review.

Science Project Update

Everyone should
Find a problem that will define your project.
Identify a question for your project (What is the effect of _____________ on ______________?).
Research your idea and take notes in your Science Project Journal (SPJ).
Develop a draft of procedures in your SPJ.
Prepare your forms and Research Plan. Forms 1, 1A, Research Plan, 1B, and 3 are due from everyone. PARENTS MUST READ ALL FORMS BEFORE SIGNING.
B day Due Monday 9/29. A day due Tuesday 9/30.

Friday, September 19, 2014

PROGRESS REPORTS CAME OUT TODAY and you may not be happy


Before you contact me to ask me what can your child do to raise the horrible, very bad, no good grade that your child has in science PLEASE go the grade portal and expand the view so you can see everything your child has done (or hasn't). If you can't use the portal then have your child show you the grades via gaggle. It's all there. This blog does list some hints, some assignments, and some bonus activities along with some home learning activities. The grade portal indicates the grades. All late and missing work should be submitted to me on or before Thursday, 09/25/2014. I won't take anything that was assigned before progress reports after Thursday.



Pamela L. Smith, M. Ed., NBCT                    

Blog available through JLCP website                      346-5650 ext 162


Course Overview

Advanced Comprehensive Science 3 is inquiry based and each student will participate in all district and state testing experiences including the district required assessments and FCAT along with classroom assessments. Each student will complete a formal science project, a science project journal, a research paper, and a presentation. The units will address Safety and Experimental Design, Matter, Atomic Theory, Earth/Sun/Moon, Solar System, The Universe, Cycling of Matter and Energy, STEAM Activities, and the Bridge to High School.


Grading, Home Learning, Late Work, MakeUp Work, and Bonus Activities

·       Student grades will be calculated using total points. Projects, assessments, and in-depth assignments will have higher values than other activities.

·       Home learning allows students to continue learning after leaving the classroom. Home Learning is an opportunity for the student to learn independently, to reflect on personal learning and/or to share with parents or caregivers. An activity assigned in class and not completed may need to be finished before the next class period. This is not home learning and should be finished independently.

·       Activities and Projects are expected to be completed and submitted on time. Activities include investigations, class assignments, Interactive Science Notebook entries, and home learning assignments. Assessments will include projects along with tests and quizzes. All activities and projects will have an established due date and are expected to be completed by that date. Late work, although discouraged, will be accepted at the next class period and assessed a penalty based upon the type of  assignment  (up to a 25% penalty).

·       It is the STUDENT’S RESPONSIBILITY to find out what was missed during an absence, to complete the work, and to submit it in accordance with district absence policy.  If a student is absent due to a non-emergency trip then assignments may not be provided in advance. Labs missed due to an absence may be rescheduled or an alternative lab or activity will be assigned.

·       There will be no extra credit work available, but at least one appropriate bonus opportunity will be available for all students at least once each grading period.


Student Progress

Parents may view student progress on-line via the portal. Grades will be posted at least once per week. Please be advised that a student’s grade is in essence fluid until finalized. Review all of the grades in a category to see if a pattern is present to determine what factors may be contributing to your student’s success or lack of success. Please have a conversation with your child before scheduling a conference. All Parent/Teacher conferences are scheduled through the Guidance Office  by calling 346-5650 ext. 114.


Interactive Science Notebook (ISN)
Students are required to keep an interactive notebook (composition notebook) to chronicle their year in science. The RIGHT pages will be used to record LEARNING (notes, vocabulary, etc.). The LEFT pages will be used for REFLECTION (poems, songs, drawings, etc.). All of the work that you do will be kept in your notebook.

Your notebook and a pen/pencil are REQUIRED in class every day.

You will use colored pencils, glue, scissors, and a ruler to create your notebook. Limited supplies will be provided to you during class, BUT you should bring your own.  The supply list is on the Julia Landon website.


 Tutoring is on Thursdays from 3:15-4:00. You must sign up on or before Wednesday to reserve a space. You must have a note from your parent that informs the teacher about your transportation plans  or a signed release to walk to the library by Wednesday or you will not be allowed to stay.


Lab Safety Contract

 Two copies of the signed lab safety contract must be on-file BEFORE a student may fully participate in lab activities. One will be kept in the teacher’s file and the other must be in the student’s ISN. Any violations of the safety contract may result in a loss of lab privileges. Labs missed due to one or more missing copies of the contract, misbehavior, improper clothing/ shoes, or unsafe behavior may not be made up.


Other Information

 The teacher will post relevant information on the blog. Remember, not all assignments may be posted on the blog. Students should write their assignments in their agendas daily. Students are expected to maintain their agenda. Parents can refer to assignment due dates and requirements in the agenda as written by the student. If a parent requires a signature in the agenda it is the responsibility of the student to ask the teacher for a signature during class. Students will use the agenda daily. Parents should check the agenda frequently. Information can also be found on the class blog. Parents may e-mail questions to the teacher after checking the agenda and blog and speaking with the student. All e-mail will be answered within 2 business days. Phone messages are the least efficient form of communication between parent and teacher. However, if necessary the student will place a call to the parent in an emergency or if a situation warrants parental notification.

Computer Access
Students will need computer access for Gizmo assignments, science project, and other learning experiences. If a child does not have access at home then an alternative is to use the computers at the public library or the school computer lab before school. Please keep the teacher informed if a problem with computer access or use occurs.


Parent Signature and date ____________________________________________________________


This paper will be included in the ISN for further reference as needed.


LATE WORK DEADLINE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OK students, There has been enough "getting used to 8th grade" by now. Progress Reports came out today (09/19). You know if you are missing something. It's on the grade portal. So get going and get the missing, late, lost, whatever assignments in to be graded on or before Thursday, 09/25/2014. That's my final offer.

Have you submitted your Y-Diagram?  Here's the rubric. Print it out and attach it as you turn in your LAST CHANCE at a Y-Diagram. All diagrams are due no later than Thursday 09/25/2014. Of course you will receive a late grade penalty.

Y – Diagram of Science and Pseudoscience

Content Points
Add-on Points
Your diagram is in the shape of a Y. The base of the Y contains accurate similarities between science and pseudoscience
[   ] Please refer to Fusion p. 12 for this information.
One arm contains accurate characteristics specific only to SCIENCE.
[   } Please refer to the chart on p. 13 in your Fusion book.
The other arm contains accurate characteristics specific only to PSEUDOSCIENCE.
[   } Please refer to the chart on p. 13 in your Fusion book
No spelling errors identified.
[   ] Good proofreading
[   ] Be sure to proofread before finalizing
The mini-poster is on unlined paper.
[   ]You followed the directions given in class.
Balanced use of space (diagram well spaced and placed on paper).
[   ] This looks like a poster
Poster is legible.
[   ] The handwriting is legible
Poster is easily read from a distance of 1 meter.
[   ] This poster is easy to read.
Total Points earned
Reflect:  Are you pleased with your grade? Explain your response.

Did you finish the GROWING PLANTS GIZMO Part C? You must design an appropriate experiment and carry it out. You must have 10 trials for each condition you set up for part C. Use the data to develop your conclusion. LAST DATE TO TURN IT IN IS THURSDAY, 09/25/2014.

Are you missing Fusion pp. 4-14. Get it checked. LAST DATE TO TURN IT IN IS THURSDAY, 09/25/2014.

NO MAS!!!!  NO MORE work accepted after 09/25/2014 if it's from before PROGRESS REPORTS!

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Progress Reports on Friday Posted 09/16/2014

Grades for Friday's progress reports were due today at noon. If you notice a discrepancy please bring it to my attention ASAP. Parents, let them talk to me; it's their grade. There are many satisfactory and highly satisfactory grades on the progress reports. Hard work and continued determination will help keep up those grades. Grade averages that are less than satisfactory are truly unacceptable at this time of year. We have just started some of the very rigorous parts of the curriculum and you can expect more challenging assignments as we get into more challenging topics. It is very important that you use your time and resources wisely so that you get the best education possible. You are on your way to high school and what is taught in science will form the backbone for your future studies.


If your child's grades are not at the level that you expect perhaps it's time for you to have a conversation with your child before scheduling a conference. Here are some suggestions.

  • Do you write down your assignments in your planner?
  • Do you do your work and turn it in on time?
  • Do you use your time wisely in class?
  • Do you ask important questions in class?
  • Do you arrive at class prepared to work with the proper supplies?
  • Are you putting yourself into win/win situations in the classroom?
All of the answers to the previous questions should be yes, but if they are not ask why not? and probe until you receive an answer that shows reflection about the question.

Additionally, take some time to
  • look through your child's agenda. Are they using it?
  • review some of their written work. Does it look like answers that a student in an advanced course would be proud of submitting? Do the answers make sense? Are they written in complete sentences.
  • go through the book bag. Is it organized? Are there loose papers deep in its bowels lost almost for all time?
  • read this blog to see some of what your child is expected to do outside of the classroom.
Thank you.

Friday, September 12, 2014

Tutoring, Late Work, and Recycling

Students and Parents,
As I wrote in the curriculum paper and restated at Open House this week, I have tutoring on Thursday afternoons. I must receive a handwritten note from a parent or caregiver on or before Wednesday of each week for tutoring. I can not accept e-mails or phone calls for the safety of the children and myself. The note must directly state whether someone is picking the student up at 3:45 or what other arrangements for the child have been made. No child may stay without the handwritten note dropped of on or before Wednesday.

If a child stays for tutoring I expect that child to have all materials. This is not a play or visit time. It is an excellent time to get help for the science project, meet with e-cybermission team mates, make up late assignments, get clarification on directions, or to get help. If a child come unprepared the parent will be notified to pick up the child early.

LATE WORK has become a terrible problem already for too many students. Starting Tuesday, September 16, a student has until the next class to turn in late work for the initial penalty. Too many easy assignments are not getting completed in a timely manner which is putting too many children in the less than successful category which certainly is not a win/win for the students.  Several students tried to give me late work today, but I could not take it and I don't want it piling up if we need to confer about it. After all, I spent time while in the computer lab checking all kinds of late work both Wednesday and Thursday!

An opportunity to RECYCLE an assignment is not a pass to wait another 4-5 weeks to turn it in. Depending on the assignment the due date will be within 2 -3 class periods. There's not enough time for students to try and play catch up for too long. Anyone who still has a Y diagram outstanding or recycling must turn it in NEXT class. A few of you have not finished self-evaluating the diagram so your grade may not reflect your true score. See me it that is you!

Tuesday, September 09, 2014

New Unit Started: Atomic Theory 09/08 and 09/09.

Today I introduced Atomic Theory. Students chose a note taking strategy and took notes over
pp. 368- 371 on the right hand page. A model of Helium was drawn on the left hand page.  There was also a quiz on the order of events for Atomic Models. If you were absent you will have to either schedule a tutoring session or I can give you an alternative assignment. We'll talk in class.


If you want to read the rules for science projects or download the forms go to this site.

Friday, September 05, 2014

Home Learning Assignments for both A and B days 09/05/2014

Everyone has the following assignments. How much you did in class will determine how much you have left to do. Due dates: A = 09/08 and B = 09/09/2014.

·       Finish setting up your Science Project  Journal. If you were absent you will need to pick up the directions at your next class.

·       Brainstorm 5-10 science project questions or ideas. Write them in ink in your Science Project Journal (SPJ) starting on p. 10. Write only in ink. Number all pages. Initial and date each entry in your journal.

·       Finish Vocabulary foldable. This is a shutterfold foldable. take a piece of white paper and fold it hotdog, then hotdog again, then hamburger. It's now a rectangle. Open the rectangle and fold the left edge to the center and the right edge to the center. It now looks like two flaps meeting in the middle. Open the entire paper and turn it landscape. fold the left edge to the center and the right edge to the center. You should have 4 blocks on each side of the center. Carefully cut between the clocks from the edge to the first fold. You should now have 8 flaps. On each flap write one vocabulary word (see below). Then under the flap write the definition of the word. Use your textbook pp. 26-37 to develop definitions.  On the reverse of each flap draw a visualization to help you remember the meaning of each word.

·       GIZMO: Growing Plants- do the Assessment questions. These will be picked up electronically during your class. Remember, the public library will let you use computers.   If you did poorly on  Part C this past week here are the directions again and perhaps you will re-do or complete the assignment to do better.  Directions for Part C.  Follow directions and ill in the question. Write a hypothesis. Remember,  you only use one test variable for a hypothesis and your outcome variable must be measureable.  RUN 10 trials for your control group and each of your experimental groups. Record all data in data tables. See the earlier post with a data table. After recording the data develop a conclusion.





controlled variable

outcome variable

tested variable



Tuesday, September 02, 2014

Hint to A day students for Gizmo Assignment

Use 3 different tables for Part C of the Gizmo

POT ____

Height (cm)
Mass (g)