Friday, September 12, 2014

Tutoring, Late Work, and Recycling

Students and Parents,
As I wrote in the curriculum paper and restated at Open House this week, I have tutoring on Thursday afternoons. I must receive a handwritten note from a parent or caregiver on or before Wednesday of each week for tutoring. I can not accept e-mails or phone calls for the safety of the children and myself. The note must directly state whether someone is picking the student up at 3:45 or what other arrangements for the child have been made. No child may stay without the handwritten note dropped of on or before Wednesday.

If a child stays for tutoring I expect that child to have all materials. This is not a play or visit time. It is an excellent time to get help for the science project, meet with e-cybermission team mates, make up late assignments, get clarification on directions, or to get help. If a child come unprepared the parent will be notified to pick up the child early.

LATE WORK has become a terrible problem already for too many students. Starting Tuesday, September 16, a student has until the next class to turn in late work for the initial penalty. Too many easy assignments are not getting completed in a timely manner which is putting too many children in the less than successful category which certainly is not a win/win for the students.  Several students tried to give me late work today, but I could not take it and I don't want it piling up if we need to confer about it. After all, I spent time while in the computer lab checking all kinds of late work both Wednesday and Thursday!

An opportunity to RECYCLE an assignment is not a pass to wait another 4-5 weeks to turn it in. Depending on the assignment the due date will be within 2 -3 class periods. There's not enough time for students to try and play catch up for too long. Anyone who still has a Y diagram outstanding or recycling must turn it in NEXT class. A few of you have not finished self-evaluating the diagram so your grade may not reflect your true score. See me it that is you!

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