Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Individual Science Projects

Individual projects are due on December 7. You must upload your Power Point by 4pm on December 7. When you present in class you will need 2 printed copies of your abstract (that's the last item to prepare) and a copy of your forms (1, 1A, 1B, and 3. The second sheet of 1A lists everything you need to include with the forms. Make sure it's all complete. When your parents signed the forms they were signing that they had read all of your work.

When preparing the Power Point for your science project you should include the following.

  • ·        Title: Use all CAPS
  • ·        Problem: Why are you doing this problem? What interested you in this topic? Remember, if you know the results BEFORE you start it’s not a good project.
  • ·        Question: What is your scientific question? You must have one worthy of an advanced science student.
  • ·        Hypothesis: If_____________ then __________________
  • ·        Variables: manipulated/independent; responding/dependent; held constant
  • ·        Data Summary: Although all of your data is in your Journal you should prepare a summary of your data (means or averages as appropriate)
  • ·        Graphs: Graph your data (you may only choose to include your mean data)
  • ·        Results: This is a discussion of what you did, how you did it, what happened, an analysis of your data, and what it means.
  • ·        Conclusion: Determine if the analysis of data supports your hypothesis or not. Remember, you are never right, but you are never wrong. The data either supports or fails to support the hypothesis.
  • ·        Bibliography in either APA or MLA

Wednesday, November 09, 2016

APP CHALLENGE UPDATE!!!! It's NOW or Never!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

All App Challenge Participants - your time is coming to an end. Each member of your group MUST submit a signed release form. These have to be scanned before you can upload your work. It takes time to scan these so you have to get them in to either Mr. Geary or Mrs. Smith by Thursday, 11/10 or there may not be time to scan them.

When you come to upload you must have already uploaded the video. Your essays should be compiled into one document and the link for the video should be included in that document. Bring the file on a flash drive. You must be organized and ready for your appointment.

I will be available for uploading projects after school on Thursday, 11/10; Monday, 11/14; Tuesday, 11/15; and Thursday 11/17 ONLY.  I will NOT be available to upload any projects on Friday 11/18 which is the due date. You must upload BEFORE the due date since you have to upload under my supervision. Do not delay. Sign up for a date to upload NOW.

Compete for Best in State and Best in Region

Your team’s   submission will include essay and video components. Take a look at the judging rubric, which shows the criteria our judges will use to score your submission. It has helpful clues for how to create a winning presentation.
By November 17, 2016, you must submit essay responses to the following four prompts:
  1. Statement of the problem (200 words)
    • Clearly describe the identified problem or issue in your school or community. 
    • Explain how this problem affects your school or community. 
  2. Your mobile app solution (200 words) 
    • Describe your team’s mobile app concept.
    • Explain how your concept solves the identified problem.
  3. Uniqueness of your mobile app solution (200 words) 
    • Explain what makes your mobile app concept unique.
    • Clarify how your concept differs from mobile apps currently available.
  4. Mobile app features (200 words) 
    • Describe the mobile technology features present in your app concept.
    • State how those features provide a viable mobile technology solution to the problem.
Also by November 17, you must submit a three-minute video demonstrating how your team’s mobile app concept will help users solve the problem you have identified. See the Make Your Video page for ideas and tips. In your video, be sure to: 
  • Clearly articulate the identified problem and why it is important to address.
  • Convey your team’s vision for how the key features of your mobile app solution will solve this problem.
  • Use engaging visual elements, such as graphics, storyboards, role playing, and vignettes.
Upload your video link to either YouTube or Vimeo. In the title, include the hashtag #VZAppChallenge and provide the file link via the contest submission page. If you cannot upload to YouTube or Vimeo, exceptions will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis. Click here for contest-specific instructions on uploading your video.
Teams must also upload completed school/faculty/nonprofit authorization forms and student release forms:

Compete for Best in Nation

 To compete for Best in Nation, Best in Region teams present their app concept in an online webinar to a panel of professional judges. The judges evaluate:
  • Your description of the problem and the need for it to be resolved
  • Your vision of how your mobile app concept will address this issue
  • Your presentation of how your app concept leverages the unique capabilities of a mobile technology solution

Compete for Fan Favorite

All Best in State teams are eligible to compete for the title of Fan Favorite, which is chosen by popular vote. The teams’ video submissions are posted on the app challenge website, and the public is invited to vote for their favorite. The Fan Favorite winning team receives the same prizes as the Best in Nation teams.
With the help of MIT App Inventor Master Trainers, Best in Nation and Fan Favorite winning teams will develop their concepts into working apps. They must submit their working apps by June 1, 2017, in order to attend the National TSA Conference in Orlando, Florida. 

Friday, November 04, 2016

Science Project Update for each type of project

Traditional Science Projects

Timeline for the next steps:
Proposal Due along with all applicable forms- A day: 11/7; B day 11/8

  • Everyone does 1, 1A, 2, and 3. The proposal is typed.
  • Go to www.nefrsef.org for forms.
  • If your project is not a doable experiment then you will have to go back and start over. Choose your experiment wisely. 
Update your log daily (or every time you work on your project)
Experimentation begins AFTER I see your proposal. 

Experimentation should be finished by December 1 so that you are ready to submit your project on DECEMBER 7. 

Due Date for all projects is  12/7. 
More information about the format to be used for the final submission will be posted next week.  


If you have not registered for e-cybermission, you must do it ASAP. I have to assign you to your team so if you aren't registered, I can't do that. I will be very busy with the app challenge in the next 2 weeks so the sooner you sign up, the sooner I can put you on a team. The deadline for teams is posted as December 7, but I wouldn't wait that long. What if we have no internet or time that day???!!! 


This is the most time sensitive project at this time. You must submit a signed copy of the release forms ASAP. I have a folder for each group who has started submitting forms. I need to scan these in order to upload them. I can only scan each group one time due to the time needed. I must be finished scanning by 11/10 to have enough time for us to upload ALL of your essays,  the link to your video, and the forms prior to the due date. Next week, each group may sign up for either the group or a representative to meet with me AFTER school to upload. I am not available on Monday,11/7 and Wednesday, 11/16 due to school commitments.   I will NOT upload on the day they are due and there is no school on 11/11. Finish your project and be ready to upload earlier rather than later. 


I have registered the school so all you need to do is work on your project right now.