Friday, December 14, 2012

Science Projects and Science Fair

Science Projects should be finished by now. I will extend on time submissions until Jan. 10. To be considered on time, your BACKBOARD must be in my room by Jan. 10.  If  you wait until Jan 10 to bring it in then you will be assigned a date to present. You will need your SPDL on the day you present.

The school science fair is set for Team Time on January 15. Invitations will be extended to students. I have only 8 invitations to extend, so the competition will be strong.

Although students will be presenting science projects during the 2nd nine weeks, the grades will be found in the assessment section of the 3rd nine weeks.  This will provide a safety net for anyone who scores presents a less than satisfactory project.  If that occurs, the student will have 3 weeks to prepare and present a new project.  In order to avoid that problem I spent quite a bit of class time in the first nine weeks working with students on their plans and allowing them to submit and re-submit. I have spent time this grading period working with students on plans, forms, and data analysis.  The only students that have not received this help are those that brought their paperwork to me on either December 13 or 14. Since each of these students was in my team time class where we spent time on writing hypotheses and determining if they should be accepted or rejected based on data along with other topics the students should have asked for help then.  As I announced at Open House, I am available after school by appointment and I do duty in the auditorium with 8th grade students every Thursday from 7:25-7:45 and was available for consultation at that time.   I even went to Sports study hall, Team Up and Community Ed and pulled students to give them help. HOWEVER, some students did not choose to take the opportunities offered.  To avoid problems that a poorly executed project may incur, it is up to the sponsor/parent to make sure that the project you are signing for is
  • an experiment,
  • follows the rules,
  • is safe,
  • and provides for an adequate sample size. There must be multiple trials or multiple samples for the independent variable.  One can't do an adequate data analysis with just 2 samples or even less than 5 for expensive procedures.  A sample size of at least 10 is usually the minimum for a science project.

Information About Current, Late, and Future Assignments

Tying up some loose ends...
All students should have completed the 7 vocabulary cards assigned last week. The words are on p. 117 of your  FUSION book.
You should have read all of lesson 3-2 (that's unit 3 lesson 2).  Review by using the on-line materials, especially the on-line lesson for 3-2.  Complete all the questions on p. 129. Anything that has not been graded is due the day you return.
 The following is the list of assignments that I will grade after the holidays. I will not accept any other assignments (except those of you with previous arrangements due to extended absences).

Late Assignments

Vocabulary cards for 3-1 and 3-2
Cluster diagram for 3-1
pp. 118 - 119, # 5, 6, and 7

Current Assignment

p. 129

Future Assignments

If you want to get ahead on some assignments or just better prepared for class, the following will be assigned after the holiday, but you may get started now.
  • Read 3-3. Use the on-line lesson to go deeper.
  • Vocabulary for 3-3. There are 4 words on p. 131. Make connections to the book or the online lesson. Connections go in the center of the card.
  • Unit 3 Online Quiz- print out your certificate.
  • FCAT EXPLORER for grades 3-5. The score you earn will be an assessment grade for the 2nd nine week grading period. This is an excellent way to add a great grade to your assessment grades. The due date for the ELEMENTARY FCAT Explorer for science is January 14 (A) and January 15(B).  You can do it all after the holidays, but I would get started ASAP.  
  • FCAT EXPLORER for grades 6-8 for science will be due in the 3rd nine weeks.  It will also be an assessment grade.

Judges needed for school science fair

Parents who have a strong background in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering , and Math) and who would be interested in judging at the school science fair are invited to contact me at The judging committment will be from 11-12:30 on Jan 15. The science department  and I appreciate your assistance.