Friday, October 31, 2014

Grades are updated

Grades have been updated.

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Wednesday 10/29 - Early Release

Although Wednesday is early release classes will be very busy. There will be
Grading of the CUBE exercise (30 points)
Grading of the pH Analysis Gizmo - both SEG and AQ (25 points).
If it's not finished - get it finished.

Additionally, we start our first unit for the 9 weeks: Earth-Moon-System.

Yes, you need your book and your ISN.

Saturday, October 25, 2014

New Opportunity to "go to space". This counts for a bonus point.

I just sent my name to fly on Orion's flight test, scheduled to launch Dec. 4 - 6, 2014!
Orion is NASA's new spacecraft that will carry humans into deep space.
Get Your Own Boarding Pass On NASA's #JourneyToMars!
Send your name here:

Print your boarding pass and post it in the classroom.


Wednesday, October 22, 2014

CGA and Tutoring Update

The CGA will be  Monday (A) and Tuesday (B). Continue to review your notes, gizmos, activities, and the book for everything from the first 9 weeks.

NO TUTORING on Thursday, 10/23.

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Assignments for Wednesday, October 15 (Bday) Thursday, October 16 (A day), Friday, October 17 (B day) and Monday, October 20 (A day).

Wednesday and Thursday

Students graded fold books on Properties of Matter, States of Matter Graphic Organizer, and Slice and Dice Gizmo. Anyone who was not in class must submit those assignments upon return. The Gizmo assessment questions were picked up electronically today so those will be recorded. If the questions were not completed before the class period, one will need to print out proof of points earned and submit that upon return.  PSAT takers will not be penalized for work submitted on Friday

All classes were assigned Fusion pp. 328-335 all of the material.

A foldable was also begun to compare and contrast Physical and Chemical Changes.  The directions are

Fold a sheet of white paper in half (hamburger). Cut along fold.

Fold a flap 2 cm. long. This will be glued into the ISN.

Cut the large part in half from the free edge only to the fold to make flaps.

The top of the flaps are labelled Physical Changes (Left top) and Chemical Changes (Right top). The definition and a visualization are to be included on each top flap.

Flip the flaps open. These are the inside of the flaps. Label the Left one Signs of Physical Changes and the Right one Signs of Chemical Changes. Use resources to complete the flaps.

Friday and Monday Assignments

The foldable will be put into the ISN on a clean page and under the flaps will be a single large space that is labelled Law of Conservation of Mass. The definition of the Law must be included. Then an example of the Law of Conservation of Mass for Physical Changes and one for the Law of Conservation of Mass for Chemical Changes will be illustrated and explained.

Additionally, the following pages in Fusion are assigned pp. 336-339.


Home Learning Assignment for Friday (Bday) and Monday (A day) is to complete the Benchmark Review for Unit 1 pp 65-68 and the Benchmark Review for Unit 6 pp. 391-396 as a take home test to review for the upcoming CGA. Students are to use their resources wisely to complete the reviews. Each answer must be CUBEd.





C circle the words you don’t know

U underline the question being asked

B box the important information

E explain why you chose the answer you did. Since this is a take home test you must include supporting details about why you chose the answer you chose (relate it to Gizmos, put in page #s, other support as appropriate).

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Assignments for Monday, October 13, 2014 and Tuesday, October 14, 2014 and notes

This is what we did in class along with a lesson on graphing. The rubric tells it all.

Graph the data for the Heating Curve of Water. Use the rubric for directions.  Tape the rubric and data on either the boiling point or freezing point page and tape the graph onto the other page.

Review the assignments for the fold book  - you may refer to my blog. All of the directions are posted on the blog.

Some data you might find useful as you finish your fold book.

Plastic eyeball
Mass = 3.6 g
Circumference = 11cm
Mass= 6.5g
Diameter = 0.8cm
 Length = 20 cm
Mass = 69.5 g
L= 10 cm w= 10cm h= 1cm


Be sure that the Graphic Organizer for States of Matter is complete. You may view the video at since it is a free video.

Complete pp. 340 – 349 in your Fusion Book. Skip # 9 and 14.

Due at next class:

Graphic Organizer

Fold book with graph

Gizmo: Slice and Dice SEG and AQ (this is from last week when we worked either in the lab or the media center).
Because so much of this was assigned to be completed during different class periods there will be no late work accepted.
PSAT people on B day. Your mission is to take the test and not worry about if you are missing 5B or 6B or maybe part of 7B. We will go with the flow and your work will be accepted as on time on Friday.

Wednesday, October 08, 2014

How can you raise your grade?

The end of the grading period is this month and some of you are asking what can you do to raise your grade. The answer is to
  • Submit your proposal or proposal revisions ASAP,
  • Recover the Checkpoint for Pure substances, solutions, and mixtures.
  • Recover the quiz for Atoms and the Periodic Table,
  • Resubmit the SEG for Solubility and Temperature if you received a low grade,
  • Print out the Assessment questions and the grade for Solubility and Temperature if you didn't do them when they were due,
  • Resubmit the Density Gizmo SEG if you did not do well or didn't submit it,
  • Print out the Assessment questions and the grade for Density if you didn't do them when they were due,
  • Finish anything that wasn't finished for the Assignment check and complete a new analysis,
  • Be sure that the Slice and Dice Gizmo and Assessment Questions are finished by the first class of next week (that's why we spent time on the computers so you could do it all in school),
  • turn in any of these assignments if you have been absent.
The due date for all of the recovery and resubmitting of  assignments is October 17. It will be graded after all the proposals have been graded.

There will still be assignments until the grading period ends, so come prepared to finish Properties of Matter and to begin Phase Changes during your next class.

Tuesday, October 07, 2014

Investigation Directions for Properties of Matter - What you can do if you didn't finish.

The directions for each investigation that you should have finished in class are listed below. There is a long investigation scheduled for Thursday and Friday about Boiling/Freezing Point. Perhaps there may be a few minutes to finish some of the labs. If you missed a lab you may want to ask a friend for just the raw data so that you can do the calculations - especially for the mass, density, or mass/weight investigation.

Electrical Conductivity Station

Student Direction Sheet

  1. In your fold book do a quick sketch of the lab setup and copy the data table.
  2. You have several different materials. You are going to test the electrical conductivity of each.  Make a prediction – will it conduct electricity and make the bulb light up?
  3. For the liquids - Clip the end of the connectors to the paperclips.  Make observations of light bulb.  Record this information in your Data Table.  Be careful not to spill the liquids!
  4. For everything else – touch the clips to the materials.  Make observations of the bulb.

Data Table:

Prediction- Will it light up?
Observations (Did bulb light up or glow brighter?)
1. Distilled Water
2. Salt Water
3. Powerade
4.Aluminum foil
5. Straw
6. Wood dowel
7. Paperclip


Investigating the Density of Regular Solids

In this investigation you will determine the density of some regular solids. It may be useful to refer to the volume formulas on p. 8 of your agenda.





Other materials may be requested as needed.


Make a data table in the density section of your flip book like the one below.

Mass (g)
Volume (cm3)


Use a balance to determine the mass of the three listed objects. The group should also choose another object to include (use your imaginations). Find its mass also.

Determine the volume of each object. In your ISN list the object, its shape, and the formula you used to find its volume. Include all measurements. Calculate the volume.

Set up the density equation for each item and calculate its density also.


Investigating Irregular Solids

In this investigation your will determine the volume of an irregularly shaped object and calculate its density.


Graduated cylinders

Egg sinkers – 14g and 21g



Copy the data table into the Density section of your fold book

Mass of Object
Volume of Object
Calculated Density
Small Egg Sinker
Large Egg Sinker
21 g


The mass of each sinker is provided.

Choose a graduated cylinder from those provided. Add 50 ml of water. Read the volume at the meniscus.

Tip the graduated cylinder and slide the sinker into the cylinder.

Carefully read the new level by reading the meniscus. Calculate the volume (reading with sinker – reading without sinker = volume). Record the volume.

Calculate the density using the appropriate formula which can be found on p. 9 of your agenda. Write the formula in the Density section

Find the density of the second sinker also.


Comparing Mass and Weight

In this investigation you will compare the mass and weight of different objects using a balance and a spring scale.



Spring scale or dynamometer

Graph paper

Assorted objects


Draw a data table similar to the one below in your ISN

Comparing the weight and mass of an object

Mass of Object (g)
Weight of Object (N)


Using a triple beam balance, measure the mass of each object. Record the mass in grams.

Use a spring scale (dynamometer) to measure the weight of each object in Newtons (N).

Make a graph of weight and mass using ¼ of a piece of graph paper. Weight will be on the y axis and mass will be in the x axis. Remember, all of your work is on this paper. The graph will be trimmed down and glued into your booklet in the Density section. This should probably be a scatter plot with a line of best fit.

Reflection: What is the relationship between mass and weight? Write this in your ISN.

How Much Mass?

 (QUICK VERSION) In this investigation, you will compare the mass of various objects.



Balloon – small, not inflated

Balloon, small inflated

Assorted balls

Other objects as available.


Do not touch the objects in the box.

Based on your observations (made without touching the objects) List the objects from Least Mass to Greatest Mass. Write down your list.

Pick up each object, one at a time and put them into a line from least mass to greatest mass. Write down your list.

Use the balance to measure and record the mass of each object to the nearest 0.1 gram. Record this data in a table on your density page of your fold book. Be neat, there’s more for this page.

Based on your measurements, create a new list of the objects in order from least mass to greatest mass. Put this list in your ISN.

Answer these questions in your ISN. Be certain to restate the question and support your answers with observations and data.

What information did you use to decide what the order of objects should be in the original list?

Is it difficult to determine an object’s mass based on visual observation alone? Explain your answer.

In what way did your original list change after you were allowed to hold the items?

How did your list change after you actually measured the mass of each object? Were you surprised by any of the results?


Thermal Conductivity

Sketch the set up. Some had a thermos of ice and some had a frozen water bottle in a double wall cup.

Take the temperature of the air with the traditional thermometer. Use Celsius only. Take the temperature of the icy bottle with the digital/laser thermometer. Record the temperature.

Answer this questions using arrows and words. Which way does the heat flow when the ice melts?


Magnetic Force investigation

Copy the data table into your fold book. Use the centimeter side of a ruler to investigate forces at a distance.

1)     Place a ruler and a magnet at a perpendicular position to each other.


2)     Place a paperclip at 0cm and slowly move the magnet from 10cm toward the magnet until the paperclip jumps to the magnet.

3)     Complete 5 trials and record the distance where the magnet is when the paper clip was attracted.

Distance paper clip was attracted to magnet
Large paper clip
Small paper clip
Trial 1
Trial 2
Trial 3
Trial 4
Trial 5


Connection to 6th Grade:

Explain why magnetism is considered a non-contact force?