Monday, October 06, 2014

You will have a chance to recover 2 quiz type grades as necessary. You will receive the directions in class. Here is an extra copy for your records in case you  lose yours. However, each student is expected to have it taped into their ISN in the Reference Section

Directions to recover your checkpoint/ quiz/test grade.

1. Write the Question with the correct response.

2. Explain how you figured out the correct answer; write the text from the book where you found the information and give the page number.

3. Why do you think you made this mistake? What was your thought process and where did you go wrong? What was it about this concept or question that you did not understand (be very specific).

4.  What will you do next time to make sure that you don’t get this wrong again. (include strategies that we talked about in science class or in other classes that you can use as study strategies or test taking strategies.)

**** You must turn in your original test along with the answers to these questions in order to recover your grade. Remember, a recovered answer is only worth partial credit where a correct answer on the original checkpoint/quiz/test is always worth full credit.

This is to be taped or glued into your ISN so that you know how to recover your grade in the future.

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