Wednesday, March 30, 2016

New log ins for on-line text book

Thanks to the magic of technology we now have some new log-ins for the online textbook.

The log ins and passwords are the same.

8th grade book landon8th
7th grade book landon7
6th grade book landon6 is the website for the digital book.

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Pass this on to you high school friends

Great STEM opportunity for students in grades 10-12.

Pass it on.

Why is this next Sunday Easter?

Think back to studying about the positions of Earth, the moon and what causes the seasons. Well, everything comes together this week. Today- Tuesday,  March 22, is the full moon. Sunday was the Vernal Equinox. So the first Sunday following the first full moon after the vernal equinox is Easter. If you don't remember what the vernal equinox is then check out the previous post. Just some science in real life. 

Happy Spring Break now that spring is "sprung"!!

Everything you need to know: Vernal equinox 2016 |

Everything you need to know: Vernal equinox 2016 | Earliest spring since 1896! The 2016 vernal or spring (or fall) equinox comes on March 20 at 4:30 UTC (March 19 at 11:30 p.m. CDT).

What are all these Alternative Assignments and why am I excused?

During October, each student selected a type of science project to complete. Based on your choice you should have a grade for your project. Of course, if you completed your project in November or December your grade is in your 2nd grading period grade so therefore you are excused from either Toshiba or e-cybermission.

If you did either e-cybermission or Toshiba then you should see your grade. If I missed a name from the group project, drop me an e-mail or speak to me when we return to classes.

Now, if you did not submit a science project of any type, you have the GIZMO alternative. This is due no later than April 1 and that is not a joke. This is your last chance to recover this grade.


Thursday, March 17, 2016

Reviewing for FCAT

FCAT is approaching quite quickly. Yes, I wrote FCAT and I meant FCAT. All students take the FCAT 2.0 for Science in 8th grade. It tests specific benchmarks from 6th, 7th, and 8th grade. Some of the benchmarks don't look very long or hard, but that's because they are the ":mother" benchmarks and the "daughter" benchmarks are also included. OK, with that information let's cut to the chase. Some data was distributed today and the rest will be distributed in class after Spring Break. By looking at the results for the Mock FCAT from the district and your previous data we will be able to see where you need to improve. I can tell you that based on previous data there is a trend for us to revisit specific benchmarks as large groups. Other benchmarks are by individual needs.

One benchmark I would like everyone to review is SC.8.N.1.1 which is  to define a problem from the 8th grade curriculum... plan and carry out scientific investigations ... identify variables, collect and organize data, interpret data in charts, tables, and graphics, analyze information, make predictions, and defend conclusions.

Another benchmark for everyone to review is SC.7.N.3.1 which is to recognize and explain the differences between theories and laws and give several examples of scientific theories and evidence that supports them.

One way to do this is to use the on-line textbook and complete the Fusion Digital Review Activity for each benchmark,

Follow these directions.

Fusion Digital Lesson Review Activity

Directions:  Log-in to the online Fusion Book using the username gearyscience and password gearyscience. Follow the instructions as you go along your journey of review. 

Unit #: ______ Lesson #: ______ Title: ____________________________________________
You will complete each Review Lesson in your ISN. Each lesson starts on a clean Left hand page.

1.    Vocabulary:  List all the vocabulary terms and definitions in your own words from the above unit.  You must go to the online book to get this information.  Use the Reference Sheet for page numbers!! Set up a vocabulary chart in your ISN for the lesson. Fill it in.

2.    Go through the digital lesson.  Take notes from the lesson. You may use 2 column notes, bulleted notes, a graphic organizer, or any note taking strategy that works for you.
3.    Copy the summary down from the last slide of the digital lesson.

4.    Complete the online quiz and record your answers and your score in your ISN. 

Fusion digital lessons for SC.8.N.1.1  include 1-1, 1-2, 1-3, and 1-4. Everyone will receive this assignment in class after break, so if you want to get a jump on it you may. 

Other benchmarks can be addressed by doing these lessons
Fusion Book Reference Sheet
Corresponding Digital Lesson
Online Book Page #
Total # of Key Terms
Completion Date
Unit 3 Lesson 3

Unit 5 Lesson 4

Unit 5 Lesson 5

Unit 6 Lesson 1
Unit 6 Lesson 4

Unit 2 Lesson 2
Unit 2 Lesson 4

Unit 3 Lesson 1

Unit 5 Lesson 1
Unit 5 Lesson 2

Unit 5 Lesson 3
Unit 5 Lesson 4

Unit 6 Lesson 1
Unit 6 Lesson 3

Unit 8 Lesson 4
Unit 9 Lesson 1

Unit 10 Lesson 3

Friday, March 04, 2016

Rubric for part 2 of the NASA Challenge (the asteroid mixture)

Use this rubric to finish your foldable.

Rubric for Part 2

Data is recorded for each tested hypothesis
Data is recorded. It is neat, organized, and measurable or an observation that is binary (yes, a substance was observed…or no, a substance was not observed…)
Data is recorded. It is not up to the standard of a 10
No data is recorded
Results are explained by analyzing the data for each tested hypothesis
A complete discussion of all data is presented. It is well written with quality grammar, composition, and spelling.
A discussion that is not up to the standard of a 10
No Results reported
A conclusion is developed for each tested hypothesis.
Complete conclusions are presented and explained using the analysis of the data discussion or results. No new information is presented. Grammar, composition, and spelling support the communication of the conclusions.
Complete conclusions are presented and explained using the analysis of the data discussion or results. No new information is presented. Grammar, composition, and spelling DO NOT support the communication of the conclusions.
Conclusions are incomplete
No conclusions reported

Score from part 1
Score from Part 2
Total points earned
Grade = total score multiplied by 2

Grade   __________________

Wednesday, March 02, 2016

TEST on Thursday and Friday and Assignments to finish by next class (updated on 3/04/2016

The test on mass, weight, and physical properties will be given on Thursday (A day) and
 Friday (B day). The dates are 3/3. and 3/4. This test will be worth 100 points. Use your study guide on physical properties to study for the test.

Here's an overview for classes.
1. Bell ringer: Differentiate between chemical and physical properties (think/write; pair/share; share out)
2. Test: You will CUBE2 the multiple choice questions and write complete answers for the short response questions by restating the question and  answering it in complete sentences, Appropriate grammar, punctuation, and composition will all contribute to a well written answer as will correctly spelling all easy words and words used in the question.

3. Observe your final sample from the challenge (you should find yours on the window sill). Complete your lab report in your foldable. This is due either at the end of the period or the beginning of the next class period.

4. Review Lesson 6-5. Do #17-22 on pp. 361-362. Do # 1- 10 on p. 363. You will need YOUR Book for it. If you've lost your book go to the online book and either print out Lesson 5 of Chapter 6 or read it on-line.  The pages are 350-363. There will be no computers available in class on Thursday or Friday for this assignmentf.

Home Learning: Finish #3 and #4 by next class period.

Circle the unfamiliar words.
Underline the question you must answer.
Box important information.
Eliminate distractors or obviously incorrect answers.
Explain why you chose the answer you chose.