Wednesday, March 02, 2016

TEST on Thursday and Friday and Assignments to finish by next class (updated on 3/04/2016

The test on mass, weight, and physical properties will be given on Thursday (A day) and
 Friday (B day). The dates are 3/3. and 3/4. This test will be worth 100 points. Use your study guide on physical properties to study for the test.

Here's an overview for classes.
1. Bell ringer: Differentiate between chemical and physical properties (think/write; pair/share; share out)
2. Test: You will CUBE2 the multiple choice questions and write complete answers for the short response questions by restating the question and  answering it in complete sentences, Appropriate grammar, punctuation, and composition will all contribute to a well written answer as will correctly spelling all easy words and words used in the question.

3. Observe your final sample from the challenge (you should find yours on the window sill). Complete your lab report in your foldable. This is due either at the end of the period or the beginning of the next class period.

4. Review Lesson 6-5. Do #17-22 on pp. 361-362. Do # 1- 10 on p. 363. You will need YOUR Book for it. If you've lost your book go to the online book and either print out Lesson 5 of Chapter 6 or read it on-line.  The pages are 350-363. There will be no computers available in class on Thursday or Friday for this assignmentf.

Home Learning: Finish #3 and #4 by next class period.

Circle the unfamiliar words.
Underline the question you must answer.
Box important information.
Eliminate distractors or obviously incorrect answers.
Explain why you chose the answer you chose.

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