Saturday, October 11, 2008

Information about Unit 1 PERFORMANCE TASK (9 week exam alternative)

Science is more than just knowing the right answers or memorizing facts. It's about applying knowledge about concepts and using skills that you've practiced to solve a problem. With this in mind I am choosing to use the DCPS Unit 1 Performance Task as an alternative to a 9 week exam. Students will be completing the Lab called White Around You (HST RED BOOK pp. 602 - 603) in class between Monday and Wednesday. They will then apply their findings and the skills they've practiced to complete the performance task on THURSDAY during our scheduled exam period. I am posting information about the TASK itself, the checklist students should use as they prepare the report, the grading rubric, and the scoring guide for students to employ the Leadership Habit of being PROACTIVE. If they download the information (or just read it) they will have a better understanding of what is expected of them on Thursday. Of course I will present the material in class, but this is one way for them to have the information as a hard copy or electronically. In addition it is totally OK to prepare data tables for the TASK similar to the ones found in the Lab White Around You. You may copy them from the book, use Excel, or draw them using a ruler. I recommend that they fit on no more than one half of a standard sheet of paper so you have room to write the short report..

Here's the file address.

Don't forget to make a copy of the tables for your use during the lab. If you are proactive you will save yourself some class time. That leaves more time to do your lab and meet with me about your science proposal.

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