Tuesday, September 22, 2009

MOSH fieldtrip checklist for students

Have you paid? If not, pay Wednesday.
Did you turn in your permission slip? If not, do it Wednesday.
Planning your bag lunch? Make it on Wednesday.
Finding the right outfit and shoes. Do it on Wednesday.

Bringing your lunch and a drink -  in a plastic grocery bag with your name on it and the top tied shut? Thursday's the day!

Leaving the flip flops, high heels, hard to walk in shoes at home on Thursday? Great.
Wearing clothes that conform to the dress code? Maybe a school T-shirt? Great. Remember, all outfits must be appropriate in length. No beach clothes, short shorts, midriff shirts, tank tops, muscle shirts, or other "play time" clothes. We are going on a school trip out in public and we want to show the public how great our students from JLCP are.

You really won't need spending money. There's no good reason to go shopping in a gift shop in your own town. Go another day with your parents. In fact, I'm going to ask that chaperones NOT let anyone go shopping. There's a lot more to do than shop at the museum.

You also won't need any electronics or phones or cards, or toys. It takes about 10 minutes to drive to the museum so you shouldn't get too bored. You can talk to other students on the bus if you are allowed.

You will need a pencil or pen and some note cards. There will be assigned tasks at the museum that will be used for grades if you attend. If you don't - don't worry I will provide an alternative science assignment that you can complete at school or at home.

Wednesday is an early release day, so don't play too much until you are ready for MOSH.

We will have classes when we return. Thursday is A day. Be prepared.


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