Friday, April 16, 2010


Well, the first GIZMO of the last nine weeks has been collected this week and would you believe it - there are quite a few students who are going to get zeroes because they chose not to do their work. I just printed out the assessment question grades. If you must do a DO-OVER then you have only until APRIL 23 at 2:05 to give it to me. NO LATE DO-OVERS will be accepted. Gizmo grades will be posted next week or as soon as I have time. (Right now it's really late on Friday and I am still here at JLCP .)

Remember, the new policy announced in class and posted on the board is in effect. Let's re-cap it.

  • To earn full face value of the Assessment Questions (AQ) a student must submit a completed Student Exploration Guide (SEG) by the due date. If an SEG is not submitted or is incomplete when submitted then the earned score as reported electronically shall be reduced by 20 points.
  • If a student follows directions and completes an SEG but does not do well than the AQ may be retaken and p. 1 printed out to show the score. The new score will be accepted for full credit as long as both the SEG and AQ are submitted by the due date.
  • If a student misses the due date except for an unplanned absence with a re-admit (and the teacher is not notified by the parents BEFORE the due date about a problem) then a DO-OVER with penalty must be submitted.
  • There will be a DO-OVER window that will not extend indefinitely. In other words you will have about a week to DO IT.

Notes about DO-Overs
Please do not use the excuse that you want to raise your grade so that's why you are doing the DO-Over. If you really wanted a good grade why didn't you just do the EQ over and print it out BEFORE the due date????? Please be upfront with me, your parents, and yourself about why you are doing the DO-OVER. Is it to make your parents happier? That's a good reason, but why not keep them happy in the first place and not make more work for all of us?  Is it because you get it now?? That's really the best reason and maybe I'll not make the deduction.  Is it because you forgot? Not so good, but better than you were too busy with other Gizmo and Odyssey assignments. That's  a terrible excuse. Is it because you just chose not to do it? Even if you think you didn't choose; you did and you chose poorly. There will be a penalty for DO-OVERS. It's a 20 point deduction.  NO DO-OVERS will be accepted electronically or without a completed SEG.

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