Thursday, September 15, 2011

Moving Towards Science Projects

All classes have been introduced to the website  and .

Both sites have many helpful hints. NEFRSEF is our regional science fair and because we affiliate with it we are governed ny the International Science and Engineering Fair Rules .
Yes, there will be forms for each child to complete and for parents to sign in BLUE ink, but not today.

A-day students should have a testable question to bring to class on FRIDAY, 09/16/2011 and B-day students should have theirs on 09/19/1955. Go to for lots of good info. Handouts were distributed for the Scientific Method and The Science Fair Project Question. You can access this info at science buddies.

Each student will complete a Project Proposal Form which will need to be accepted by the teacher and signed by the parents. This is NOT the FORMAL PROPOSAL that will be assigned in a few days. More will be posted about that next week.

If the question is not accepted, then it's back to the drawing board to find a good testable question that can be the beginning of a good project.

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