Friday, October 18, 2013

TEST REVIEW TEST pre-corrections- a reverse style of assessment

All students must prepare their pre-corrections for the Test Review Test by using SRE to prepare notes for the test. Here's how:
Complete the Unit 1 and Unit 6 Benchmark Reviews ( a total of 30 questions) by (all on paper and not in your ISN)
1. make a STATEMENT by restating the questions and writing the correct answer to each question,
2. Write the Reason that this is the correct answer - why you think it's a correct statement - make connections and synthesize information, and
3. Provide the EVIDENCE to support your reason. Use quotation marks for the part you quote or copy directly. Cite the source. You should start with the Fusion book and then branch out as needed. Your sources may include gizmos, videos, or others. It is due the beginning of class of they day you take the test (A day = Monday, October 21 and B day is Oct 22. If you don't bring your notes or worse yet you don't do them you will still have to take the test. If you were not in school you should still be prepared because This is being posted on Friday and you will have days to complete the task. There is no time for post test corrections so it is in your best interest to have all 30 questions completed the day of class. Don't allow yourself to make errors. Dig for the correct/best answers.  This test will go on the 1st grading period report card. Everyone has the chance at earning a great grade.

GRADE BOOK is closing on WEDNESDAY. I will not accept any late or missing work after Wednesday, October 23 since the grades must be prepared for report cards and the later I wait, the longer it takes for the program to accept grades. Anyone who has less than a grade of C should definitely work to raise their grade. If you already have an A then you are doing well. Any zero may be made up. Do it this weekend.

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