Friday, November 19, 2010

When's the science project due?

As announced previously, the science project is due December 7. Oh, no, you might be thinking... I'll never make it. If you can - great. If you can't then you get the dreaded place holder until you present to the class. Since progress reports go home on December 7 the research paper, the display board, the SPDL and the presentation will be recorded during the 2nd part of this nine week period.

So, here's the plan....

If you are ready then submit your typed, proofread, revised, and stapled research paper on December 7 - yes, both A and B day students. During class either on the 7th or 8th you will be given a presentation date. B day presentations will begin on December 9 and A day presentations will begin on December 10. The presentations will continue the following week. Bring your DISPLAY board and SPDL on the day you present-NOT before. That way you know your board is safe and sound at home until you need it.

If you don't submit your paper on 12/7 then it is your responsibility to submit ASAP and schedule your presentation. Students who do not present prior to 12/17 may not be eligible to be invited to participate in the Julia Landon Science Fair, but will still be held responsible for completing the process of submitting a paper and presenting the project in class for both the teacher and student peers and may still earn full credit. Students who do not resolve their "placeholders" prior to the end of term will not receive a passing grade until the project and the research paper are completed and presented.

You will have 5-7 minutes for your presentation. You will be presenting to a small group of students and to the teacher. Your presentation should summarize the question you asked, what prompted you to ask that question, how you tested the question, and what you found out. Be prepared to answer questions about your procedures, your data, the analysis of your data. Be prepared to discuss your project with your fellow student researchers. They know how to do a project and may have some probing questions for you. Your grade will be determined by the teacher, but your peers will provide feedback on your project, your board, and your presentation.

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