Thursday, February 05, 2015

As of 2/5/15

At this time all students have had opportunities to submit all assignments that were made either before or during my absence. Any student absent on Monday or Tuesday was asked for assignments on Wednesday or Thursday. The next time assignments will be checked will be on Tuesday and Wednesday. The Star Graphing assignment is due that day. Anyone who was absent on Thursday or Wednesday can come to my room after lunch and before 8th period tomorrow (Friday).

Late assignments (see grade portal for a complete listing) will be accepted for partial credit on Tuesday and Wednesday also. No more late assignments will be accepted after these two days except for students who are absent when assignments are checked.

Friday is the day I will pull the report for FCAT LESSONS. There are 8 lessons so they are worth
10 points each. No late lessons will be accepted because this has been assigned since early January.

Next week I will establish a timeline for checking the FCAT ship. This will be announced in class on Thursday and Friday.

Some students are doing less than their best on Achieve 3000. For the current assignment the article about WISE can be completed. If the score is better it can be substituted for one of the other articles. Remember, it is only the first score that counts. Bring evidence to class that you have earned a new score (print it out, take a photo, get your parents to write a note. Anything but e-mail.)

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