Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Missing Assignments and Recycling "The Relationship of the Sun and Earth During a Year"

Looking over the gradebook I see quite a few grades of ZERO for various assignments. FIRST, let me say TYVM to everyone who turns in their work on time and well done. You are doing your fair share of helping yourself be successful. I will continue to provide learning experiences to prepare you for a) problem solving in the future, b) helping you develop a solid science foundation to serve you well in high school, and c) getting ready for future CGAs and FCAT.

Those of you with grades of ZERO (or very low grades in some cases) in one or more locations. This is very important. Here's how to clear them up BEFORE Progress Reports. I've broken them down by assignment.
  • Summer and Winter GIZMO: do it and turn the SEG and a printed copy of the score for your Assessment Questions ALONG with the note from your parents that explains that they know you are turning in the Gizmo late and including your reason for it being late. They must hand sign the note and I must be able to read their signature- No initials or "doctor" signatures please even if they are a doctor. Due no later than 11/14.
  • Mini Poster : Relationship of the Sun and Earth over a year (seasons, solstices, and equinoxes): To recycle this grade you must complete the entire SEG for the GIZMO: Seasons in 3D. You do not have to do the AQ. Due no later than 11/14. Don't forget the note from your parent- see above.
  • A zero for submitting a science project proposal. Submit it and the required note about why it's late and that your parents understand that it is late.
I am currently grading proposals. They do take a while for each one. I will enter and turn on that grade when I have graded all of them, but it will be before progress reports. Unfortunately for those of you that did not do the assignment correctly, completely, or at all, I will not have time to regrade the proposals before progress reports.

Any work assigned prior to 11/15 will be on the progress reports including the appetizers, main dish, and side dish of our menu. Dessert will be added later.

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